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    Yorkshire - England

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  • About Me
    My uncles took me to airshows and airports when I was about 12, teaching me about aircraft - and the love of planes stayed with me through my life. Only recently, aged 45 have I decided to go for it and take up flight sim, something I've wanted to do all my life.

    A couple of flying lessons under my belt and quite a few long haul flights to the Middle East and Australia kept my passion for aviation alive.

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  1. Not neccessarily! Having located the source of the problem. I would be tempted to do the following: find out where TRaffic X has put the AFCAD for Dobbins, remove it and put it into a Folder with scenery/texture. Stick it into Add On Scenery then untick it every time you want to fly into Atlanta (or alternatively tick it ONLY when you want to fly into/out of Dobbins). I have all my military bases and traffic set up like this, so I can fly either military or civillian, but don't get the hassle of the others AI in my way!
  2. Success! (sort of ... a workaround)
  3. There's quite a clamour I feel for some kind of military type vehicle, if only for pushback and if only in that unused 'army green'. Umberto, my comments were an observation that you seem to be answering a lot of the same questions again and again, and sometimes in the forums your frustration shows. GSX is fantastic, the animations are brilliant and your work is awesome. You are always on the forums as well, but I think it might help the forum to have a sticky post, perhaps Common Questions or FAQ. My experience of coatl and the help you've given me has been great.
  4. Hey there's two of those folders I didn't know about, Poppet. I thought there was just AppData Roaming MS FSX...
  5. I've been there in the past "this has been asked many many times before, you must read the manuals, it is alll in there!!" is what I predict he will say. However, I did post this thread up on the GSX board as well... just in case!
  6. Can someone with a brain bigger than mine please help! I'm trying to add an army green pushback truck to GSX. I have found an unused paint within the vehicle folder called 02_armygreen (Simobject - Misc - FSDT_Pushback_02), but my attempts to get this to show up at EGXW or any EGX... airport have failed. I simply get options at this RAF base for easyJet, BA etc... I'm not much of a programmer .. I fear this is too difficult for me to crack. I have read both the GSX and GSX Repaint manuals to no avail.
  7. Jeff, you can uninstall using the Control Panel - Uninstall Feature. Do check online for an uninstall guide, FSX hides bits of itself that needed clearing out. App-Data Roaming is one of those. Once FSX is installed and works, do what I do, copy the entire folder onto your hardrive (I call mine Mirroe FSX) so I have access to lovely uncorrupted files.
  8. If you fly those old Cold War or WW2 aircraft, where fo you fly them from, where do you go and what mission are you replicating? Do you base yourself at an authentic airfield and fly historic missions (albeit without the bombs) or do you simply fly from a modern airfield and acknowledge that you are flying an old classic? I fly an RAF Sentinel sometimes, and fly out to modern trouble spots to relocate for surveillance missions, to Latvia, Ukraine, Cyprus, Malta and Gibralter. I have an Airbus MRTT that I fly out over the North Sea for imagined refuelling missions. I've also flown Nimrods out to search for survivors or wreckage after newsworthy aircrashes at sea. what about the older props and jets!
  9. GSX is fabulous, though I'm waiting for a green/khahki repaint for the vehicles so I can use it at military airbases!
  10. If you've never heard of the Buttkicker, a bass feedback device that provides vibrations through your seat, you need one! I upgraded to a pricey Throne Thumper that is built in partnership with music company Pearl. I used an old audio adaptor and the splitter from the Buttkicker. No vibrations, and no sound from my speakers either. Fraught I got in touch by email witrh Buttkicker the Company and within 10 minutes received an email offering advice. For 30 minutes we tried various things, then I dashed out to buy a replacement adaptor jack onn the tech's advice. Bingo, it worked. The tech support was immediate, fast, useful and friendly. Fantastic experience that I wanted to tell you about. Buttkickers can have a short life due to the heat output, on my new kit I am going to mount a cheap fan to provide extra cooling, just in case. Wish all problems were fixed so quickly!!
  11. Fastest and easiest is to have three identical monitors, plug them into an Nvidia graphics card and then select Surround in the Nvidia software. A little fiddling with resolutions and bezel corrections and you are done. I could never go back to a single screen, no matter how big, after having three.
  12. Mmm, I don't have ANY scenery for Europe other than UTX Europe. Maybe my mesh sliders might help.
  13. Hi, In somee places I get a double coastline, a coast with an extra beach further out. I see this near Dubrovnik, (with UTX Europe installed BTW, but that is out of the coverage area), in the Greek islands (when I have a Greek island addon installed) and in the Indonesian islands. No add-on there for mesh or landclass, unless ORBX PNG Guinea counts. This is Dubrovnik (also ... there IS NO Dubrovnik city. Is this normal in default FSX?????) from an A319:
  14. Thanks Mark, I decided to give it a go ... i found Ian's Dark Corner and after an hour of building scenery files I installed RAF Digby in Lincolnshire. It's a bit sparse, but looks like a top notch little 40s airfield (no runways!!). I think I'll write some traffic, sit it inside the scenery folder, and add a few bits of scenery with Instant Scenery 3 ... great so far.... Thanks for the kick, Mark.
  15. Are there any WW2 RAF bases out there I can download and install easily? I have a few WW2 aircraft and want a place to fly them from in the UK, preferably not too close to London, the skyline is visible for miles and not very historical-looking. I did try a couple of freeware airfields, but there were a lot of requests for additional libraries to be downloaded and scenery folders to be created... Don't mind if its payware or freeware.
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