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Matt Z

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  1. The overall panel for B2 is definitely darker than B1. I'm pretty sure it has to do with the eye adaptation thing in MSFS. Hopefully, they can brighten it a bit at some point in the near future.
  2. I tried this and the frame rate increase was notable but turning on DX12 gives me ground texture bleed through at numerous airports. Definitely a no go for me.
  3. changing 100Mbit/half duplex, could you explain how to do this? Thanks for the answer, Baptista.

    1. Matt Z

      Matt Z

      Sorry, I just saw this now. Do you still need help with this?

  4. Same here. Virtually no CTDs since making the 100Mbit/half duplex change. I did this before SU14 and it helped immensely.
  5. I restarted my computer and fired up the sim and the white circle is gone. Hopefully it stays that way.
  6. Good idea - hopefully that's all it is.
  7. I have the white spinning circle and am getting very choppy performance. I thought I read somewhere that this happened during beta testing and once the white circle went away, performance was better. Unfortunately, the spinning circle doesn't seem to want to go away.
  8. Reducing my network speed to 100Mb + 1/2 duplex has fixed the CTD issue for me. Hopefully this gets addressed in some future update.
  9. Thanks for the awesome work Vincent! I appreciate your efforts and congratulations on the 200,000 plus downloads!
  10. That is my gut feeling as well. After years of stability, I started getting multiple CTDs about a month ago. I've been in contact with MSFS. They gave me a bunch of things to try from removing and reinstalling / rolling back drivers / Microsoft C++ libraries to checking Windows for system errors to loading the sim in Safe Mode. I even reinstalled the sim and was still having CTDs. All of my components check out. No errors from memtest, Heaven or any of my other games yet the CTDs persisted. I strongly suspect something on their side.
  11. That looks awesome! Another excellent airport by @vbazillio
  12. Overall, it's a good scenery though I do have some random tress and bushes on the ramp near one of the gates. Also, I bought it through Orbx and you can disable the sounds in the settings.
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