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  1. Hi, there. I must confess, I've been in and out of the simulation hobby for the past five years. Blame office work and life in general. I recently purchased a new laptop and decided to go for the Wide FS configuration. However, even despite I got a key for my CD version, I'm no longer able to install the program, since the laptop didn't feature a CD drive. Where may I download a copy of my RC4.3 which could be enabled by using the key I own? Thank you, Best Regards, Raybaudi.
  2. Hey, Peter. Thanks again for your help. Yes, I've been trying to follow normal procedures for the 732. The problem begins when ATC clears you too late for a determined altitude, expecting you to set both accordingly and timely the APP configuration, turning out almost impossible if you get to catch the GS or the vertical path above the depicted one. As you suggested, I've decided to plan ahead and sacrificing time, I've started to reduce speed to 180 a little earlier than normally would. Disregard the gear thing, I think it's associated to extension/retraction speed. Thanks!
  3. Hello, again. Please find here below some questions I would really need somebody to answer them: 1) Do you find it really difficult to slow down this a/c on the Final APP segment or APP segment if the GS was caught from the above? Note: Even with speedbrakes deployed, flaps 10, and gear down, if I am one notch above the GS (supposing Precision Approach), the speed won't decrease. Instead, it will increase progressively up to 250-270 IAS. How can you slow it down if you are above the vertical path to the runway? 2) The gear will sometimes extend during APP at the same speed or not. I'm talking here about 160 KT. Any help? Thanks a lot!.
  4. Hey, Peter. It appears I had a problem with the *.air file. I was working over the TM/FFX - Eric merge but was using the wrong Flight Dynamics file. Once corrected, the problem disappeared. Thanks a lot for your advice, though.
  5. First of all, thank you for your prompt answer, I highly appreciate it. I'd normally take out the TM for short flights: 300- NM apart. With all the IFR regulations, we could be looking at 16 [klb] top amount of FOB. I've tried up to 40-50 degrees Celsius to no avail. Perhaps the people is using a different set of flight dynamics that I am?
  6. Dear All. It appears this would be my first post in Avsim Forums, so hello everyone. Just wondering. With TO EPR setting provided by PDCS, the 732 will usually speed up so fast at TO roll that will utterly overshoot V2+15 no matter what pitch you input to the yoke. I would normally accelerate to 250-270 kts in a matter of seconds with that configuration. I'm using the JT8D-15 engines but I have lost the confidence on the EPR calculated settings since it does not allow me a normal initial climb procedure. I have watched several videos on youtube of T/Oing TM 732 but the procedures aren't firmly gripped, varying from incorrect trimming setting, turning LDG LT ON at 80 kt to looking out the window on initial climb. Any help here? I have thought about D-RATE TO with Assumed Temp but cannot just find an applicable source for this plane. Thanks a lot, Best Regards, raybaudi.
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