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Everything posted by koala63

  1. Does the A320 is realistic addon ? Many simulated Systems ? Sound is good ? VNAV/LNAV and fmc work fine ? I mean before spend 100 dollars i want to be sure the other customers are happy with him... :wink: i often fly the dash pro version so i want a complex addon similar to it if y pay 100 dollars.
  2. Yeah, i just can hope that will not happen in real world for real pilots because trained or not trained a fire on board is a very dangerous case.
  3. Thanks for you answer :smile: Yeah i switch to exterior view to see what happen but as you said after i begin a dangerous stall on the left after doing that, i make greats mistakes but i was really scared about crash the plane... on real world i will not here to write this message cause i died :(
  4. Hi, Yesterday i was going to Abidjan and i got a engine fire, all parameters for landing was fine then i lost number 1 and hear a "Boum" song coming from behind.. i was totaly confused about what happen now and i don't really know th procédure in this case.Lucky i am, i always reccord my landings with fraps (it's a very important part of learn for me cause you can see after what mistake you do) so the vidéo is here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zN2SeL3SQlg Can someone tell me what can doing that ?
  5. I purshased the cadet too and i will buy soon the FO version.Very good job and explaination, i learned a lot.
  6. Solved, the supports send me a new link download with the good exe :wink: like you say above i was trying to download an sp version.
  7. Yes, i send one email with the keys for registration product.
  8. Thanks for your answer :wink: I try tor regist the maddog but i have "internal error" i read their website got a problem with the registration on the but it was in 2015... im asking if there anyone behind this website cause of my registration account is not accept yet.
  9. So if this corect where they have the original launcher ? that is the question because the maddog was working fine with my old ssd before
  10. Hi charlie, I don't think, i downloaded it from maddog download page with this file name exe "FLY_THE_MADDOG_PRO_SP2"
  11. Hello, Im back today with another problem, remember yesterday i downloaded he maddog from the maddog website (launcher 184Mo) to install it on my new SSD but i don't install it finaly i leaved my computer for some reason. Today happy to install it, i execute the maddog launcher and after choose the location for install i have this error "Installation required file missing" when i click next.So i go to the maddog website but im not registered yet cause of manual accept of admins.I see on their forum a guy which encountered the same problem but i relly don't understant very well the issue. http://www.flythemaddog.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=8528
  12. Thanks all ! I was scared cause the download webpage was offline 4 hours ago, im downloading it now :smile:
  13. For me the Dash is extremely good realistic and complex but after 2 or 3 flight, the VNAV and the learning of how manage your speed, will become slowly. It's not a plane for kids, it's a plane for who like really the mechanic and the planes.For exemple take an aerosoft airbus is boring.
  14. @ubersu, I bought it on the maddog website, do you mean i have to re-buy it?? If i got to simmarket with my purchase code can i download it ?
  15. Hi guys :wink: I changed my SSD and im reeinstalling all my fsx but one of my favorites plane with the dash and the T7 is missing yet, The good and old Maddog pro 2010.When i go to the website for download it i got a "Web page unvailable", so what ? how i can download the maddog maybe on other site ? I want this plane on my airport you know :smile:
  16. Ok thanks :smile: Step 1 and 2 is Ok now, for step 3 i have some trouble to manage my speed on final approach, need more practice.
  17. Hi guys, I have 3 problems remmaining on this beautiful plane.I will try to describe them simply dand quickly :wink: 1- I don't find the button to make the trottles to GA mode... 2- What parameters in fsx or mjc8 control panel i have to change for my joystick ? during take off the plane is going to the left, i read it's normal but i don't know wich settings change 3- Sometimes, the plane is capturing my glidescope to hard and take a dangerous angle to catch it, what im missing here ? Finaly... i love this plane, hear his engines during T/O flight and landing is very enjoyful, and more like that the systems are very completed, one of the most better add-on in fsx for sure :smile:
  18. Yeah great i will buy that seem to be very interesting :smile:
  19. Hello guy I recently bought the Q400 and im little lost (comming from the pmdg 777 for two years now) i have a miss understand with some points of the cold and dark and descent. - First, after bring up the engines I have warning of GEN 1 & 2 (they are both on) and R TU & L TU (don't know what is that...) -Second, does VNAV calcute your full vertical path ? or you have to put restriction according to the charts into the FMS to get correct VNAV path profile ? -Third, my plane overshoot the ILS. I make only one flight i know it's a good plane, i think im forgeting some things and i want to know what things if you have a link to checklist or a good manual to use corectly this beautiful airplane i will be very happy to see that :smile:
  20. I think turning off a part of addons you don't need when you are flying will solve the problem for you.
  21. Hi, Today huge test, LFPG to SPIM ( i don't have scenery in Lima) it's about 11hr30-12hr flight time take off from LFPG with VAS 2,520 and leaving this area and kicking ASN and couatl.exe for cruise VAS drop to 2,355 stable at the moment.Yesterday on the gate A18 (concorde gate :rolleyes: ) VAS was 2,780.Nice weather in France at this moment so landing at -109ft/mn. I noticed VAS always increase crossing the ocean so i put my water slider to low 1.x to avoid OOM over atlantic.
  22. @Pcubine, thanks i will read that just after this post ^_^ I agree with you Downscc but i fly with VAFS tracker and im not sure if i save the flight and restart fsx my latest position will be save.I can't use speed in my flight too or make a pause, i have to flight in real time. Of course if im not with the VAFS tracker i can do that and flying normal with ASN and other add-ons. Im now at 660nm of my airport arrival and VAS is only 2,25MB... i will put ASN juste before TOD. With mega CDG airport and ASN i expect VAS between 2,6MB and 2,9 at the end of flight which is very nice. Best regards
  23. Hi randazzo your welcome B) Like i said i don't blame PMDG, you are doing a great job and the T7 is my favorite airplane.I blame my VAS usage which is a huge problem for me... BUT im now testing the following things since 2 days and that work. I don't move my sliders down but like pcubine say in his post above to answer at my following question "Can VAS increase from 3.3gb to 4gb and make me OOM with bad weather ?" So what im doing without move down my sliders in the fsx settings is step by step: -1 start ASN only for the take off/climb and approach/landing -2 after take off, kill couatl.exe process if im not flying to one of FSDT sceneries and kill as_audio.exe i win between 70MB and 100MB of VAS just doing that -3 check my fsx.cfg between 2 flights and keep max_texture_load to 1024 (you will need to check that for each flight after using FSDT scenery) The result is yesterday i stay more than 10 hours in mega airport CDG without OOM and today im actualy flying RJAA to LFPG both airport with sceneries, my VAS is very stable and not increase 200MB/hour like before. 6h30 flight time remaining and my VAS is 2,2MB (started with 1,8MB) and not increase if i don't often go to the VC (increase 10MB per 10MB each time i go for five minutes in the VC) So i don't think those steps will solve all my OOM but a lot of them for sure, and i can enjoy my bird in ultra high setting keeping VAS stable. I will make other flights in the next week and if that work for me like that this topic will be solved. ^_^ NOTE: im using DX10 fixer and shade too
  24. Hi, I tried reduce my sliders, i learned the page 31 of the manual, i tried to reduce minimum and maximum cloud layers on active sky on REX i down some of sliders too... everything end with OOM.Im not blaming PMDG because they make a great job, but i don't understand because i can fly any payware aircraft without get OOM exept this 777 which is my best plane... Can you understand my disappointment ? VAS usage is s... with this plane on FSX simulator (you will be a lyer if you say the contrary).Really guys do you think VAS usage will be better on P3D V2.5 with the 777? Be honest please...
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