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About GamerNurd

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  1. Is it someone that still develop xsquawkbox?
  2. Is there a way to improve the aircraft models when flying online?
  3. Nice pics! You don't fly xplane anymore, don't you?
  4. Wonder if it is a big difference between "Normal" and "Sparse" scenery complexity?
  5. Are you really sure that you don't see it? Picture 1,3 and 4 at least? City down below are a mess, river that floats in the middle of it are like pixel blocks. On the approach, trees were popping up like half a mile infront of me, you could see the textures where loading constantly and slowly. Click on the pictures and zoom and you will see what i mean.
  6. I have tried over at orbx support forum but no answer yet, so i tought i try here aswell. I have these "blurries" . I have tried with or without tweaks in my cfg to no avail. Sim is prepar3d v2.5 and is running on an SSD. Hardware is i7 2600K OCed 4.4Ghz, GTX 770, HyperX 16GB RAM
  7. That makes sense. Sorry for my stupidness :smile:
  8. ​There is no discontinuities. But I haven't selected arrival rwy yet. The route are VAGAS T317 OSK T318 SIPRI N5 HMR. I have also noticed that in LEGS page FL is 380 when I have selected FL 340 in PERF INIT and CRZ EDIT: Solved. When select arrival rwy the VNAV is working. So you need to select arrival rwy when you are still at origin?
  9. ​Trying to make a flight bewteen ESNQ - ESSA and I always get perf/vnav unavailable when trying to engange vnav. In the tutorial flight it worked but not now. I have filled in the perf init page. Don't know what Iam doing wrong =/
  10. I have v2.5 installed and I have this blurries also. Very very slow texture loading
  11. It would be nice to know how to install ortho4xp. It seems like a very complicated process
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