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  1. Hmm, i bought it today but i have trouble with the panel resolution. All panel caption are poorly illustreted. It seem that the resulotion for the panels not high enough. I`m using a 34Zoll TFT with 'UWQHD resolution 3440 x 1440. Any solutions? I checked my P3d cfg chapter panel resolution and test it with max reolution 4096 and 2048 and 3440. But nothing changed. How can i have support there?
  2. 32 are a lot. That would be fine. Thank you for support and this great tool.
  3. Hi all, First, thank you for this great Programm. At the moment i rebuild my 737NGX OVHD Panel. For inputs i will use ARCAZE Moduls . Each Arcaze Modules are configuered as two analog gamepads. I need a minimum of 5 Arcaze Modules (10 HID Devices in LINDA) and my standard HID (Saitek Throttle etc.). I think, if i finish my rebuild i have 20HID Devices. My question: How many devices are supported by LINDA?
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