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About jacobmulder

  • Birthday 01/13/1940

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    Reading books,Classic Bikes and Classic Cars, have one of each, plus travelling the world

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    Retired Electrical and Mechanical engineer, flying on line with two groups of fellow enthusiasts based in the Netherlands twice a week.

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  1. Hi Kyle why no follow up on my question to you Jacob
  2. Thanks for your reply Kyle. Of course I give it the benefit of doubt, my problem must be unique and not many if any one at all has this problem, Which SP1d are thinking about, the one from PMDG? I am not sure I could have done would that have an influence on Initialising the Airline liveries and not the House Colours. If I have done then what would you suggest I should do. Jacob Mulder
  3. Hi Dan tried what you suggested but the result was still the same I just find it strange that the 737 - 800 WL in the House Colours activates with no problem, so will leave as it is I have also in the past done an Un-install with the CD and then reinstalled it again with the CD with the same result, I give up, surprised that out of the 99 views you are the only one that had the courtesy to reply. Thank you Jacob
  4. Ok I will give what you suggested a go ad let you know the result, I find it strange that the house livery will start the way I do it, by the way what time are you on line maybe we could have a chat via Team Speak. Jacob Mulder
  5. Hi Dan. I start FSX with a Default FSX Aircraft and when that is my home Airport which is YWOL, I then change to a pre loaded saved PMDG either the 800 series or at this time the 900 series, the 800 aircraft are downloaded from the installation CD and the 900 aircraft using the operations Center. I had downloaded a Qantas Airlines PMDG, 737-800 WL aircraft did a flight with this then saved the aircraft in the FSX / Flights section and followed the same procedure as above to reload the pre-saved aircraft but the second time it will not initialise, as I mentioned before the PMDG 737-800 WL in the House Livery initialises every time. I have noticed in the Cockpit view that when selecting the overhead panel it shows that the Cowl Valve is open, hope this is enough information, I attempted to attach 2 screen shots but was not successful. Jacob Mulder
  6. Hi thanks for your reply, every livery I download from both the PMDG, 737-800 NGX or the PMDG, 737-800 NGX WL will initialise the first time I use this and fly with it however I mainly want to use the KLM and Qantas Airline versions, but have checked nearly all of the liveries in both categories, after finished flying and shutting down the computer then the next time I select the same aircraft it does not initialise. This problem does not occur in both the PMDG, 737-900GX or GX WL. The platform I use is FSX with windows 7 Home Premium 64 bit + Service pack 1 Regards. Jacob Mulder
  7. The house PMDG 737 800 initialise at all times, but after downloading a Airline livery from either de CD or Operations Center these initialise the first time but not when attempting to use the same livery the second time what could be the problem, this only occurs with the 737, 800 either WL or the other, I have no such problem with the 737-900 liveries.
  8. The four different NGX - 737 Boeing liveries all initialise (Activate) and work fine, but of the two down loaded liveries in 800 and 900 series do not Activate and appear cold and dark with none of the gauges, switches or FMC activated, they do not work. Has anyone else have had this problem and if so what is the fix I have the service packs installed.
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