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About harvester21

  • Rank
    Pretend Pilot
  • Birthday 12/16/1978

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  • Gender
  • Location
    Currently LEVD
  • Interests
    All forms of PC simulation.

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  1. Hello Stephen, I just went ahead and tested as follows: Loaded up P3D and the 748, hit the Terminal Charts selection on the EFB - was asked to authenticate with Navigraph. Shut down all power of the aircraft and shut down P3D - P3D remembers my last panel state. Restarted the sim, loaded up the same aircraft, connected ground power and once again selected Terminal Charts from the EFB - was asked again to authenticate with Navigraph. I have all the check boxes to remember me checked. Honestly I hadn't seen this as an issue, and still don't really, but now that it has been mentioned I guess it would be nice not to have to take the extra step of authentication each time flying the 748. Greetings! Sander
  2. The Queen of the Skies!

  3. Here is the link: http://support.precisionmanuals.com
  4. Hi Chris, The CPU you are currently running is a 1155 socket. Be careful there, a 1151 will not fit. You'd have to replace the MoBo as well. As Alexander mentions, try to find yourself a I7-2700K, they should be quite affordable, even second hand should be fine. I have the same CPU and it works like a charm. Be sure that if you OC it though, that you have sufficient cooling. Stock fan is probably not enough.
  5. Hi Jeganathan, I've been considering a higher res screen, and specifically a wide one like the one you ordered. I have been wondering the same, about what it would look like. When you get yours, please do post a pic here so we can see what its like. Thanks!
  6. Thanks for the clarification, Kyle. I will think on it a bit longer and then make the decision to move forward to P3D. In the meantime I'll upgrade the old PC a bit to keep me busy.
  7. Enjoy the NGX, you're gonna love it!
  8. Can you show us where this was stated? I'm planning on moving to P3D this weekend, but if this is the case I'll wait.
  9. http://de.flightaware.com/squawks/view/1/7_days/popular_new/56679/Boeing_Considers_Ending_Production_of_Iconic_747
  10. Hi Clint, which VR hardware are you using? Just curious..
  11. Hi Jim, All the different variants will have their own setups. This includes varying engine types, -400 vs -8, etc. If there are typical differences in the systems or flight models, these will be simulated. This is what makes PMDG so amazing, their level of detail.
  12. Just wanted to come in here and ask the same question. Thanks Peter, for the clarification.
  13. The fact that an item is no longer sold doesn't void the EULA. Owners of the MD-11 own a license to use the software in FSX, that's it.
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