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About marty2756

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  • Birthday 08/03/1979

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    Buenos Aires, Argentina
  • Interests
    Programming, Aviation, Tenis

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  1. This 100%. Really... a company that finally seems to (somehow) continue FSX legacy, at least tries to hear sim community... and then some replies in this thread... wow. I think first DTG Flight sim late this year will never be near community expectations.. simply because of the little time they had to "catch up". But, if they are headed as they say, keeping it a simulator, I will just buy it to support... as I did with FSc.
  2. I could finally complete the transaction and buy it. As you said, I had to call visa and ask for authorization. (Strange, as it was not needed for other addons I bought previously) Ayway, thank you. Pablo Daniel Martinez
  3. Hi Yesterday I tried to buy NGX from PMDG site, using VISA credit card. At first attempt I got a 'Error code 2: the transaction has been declined". Minutes later I tried again, as it could be a mistake entering one of the credit card numbers... but the same. Then I saw over there about PMDG security mechanism to avoid repeated transactions , blocking I guess one hour after an invalid attempt. So, today I tried again now, and I'm still getting the same error. (Already verified its not a credit card limit or problem. I even used the same card yesterday to buy other fsx addon) Pablo Daniel Martinez
  4. Ok. I will keep trying with SBuilder then. Thank you.
  5. Hi everyone, I want to create photoscenery (not airports) but big regions, for some parts of europe. I downloaded sbuilderX v3.13/3.14 but I can't get it to work. Is there any tool, as of now, that works with bing / google?
  6. Solved. For some reason, when installing REX Soft clouds DLC, just core files were installed, but Soft Cloud Configuration tool was not. In Steam, I went to "Library" -> "Tools", and then find "FSX REX Soft Clouds Configuration Tool", right click ,-> install. Than I could run configuration and install soft clouds.
  7. Thanks.. but that links says " WARNING: This package is NOT compatible with REX 4 Texture Direct on Steam! It is only compatible with the standard Texture Direct package. Note that this will work fine when using the standard package with FSX:SE." In my case, I have REX 4 texture direct separete yes, but also from Steam as DLC.
  8. Hi I am using FSX:SE with REX 4 Texture Direct (DLC). Today, I bought REX soft clouds also as DLC from Steam. I could not find the way to integrate both. I assume Soft cloud is not "installed" by default. I didn't find any executable in Soft Clouds DLC folder to install textures like REX4 TD. Tried to look at REX forums/Soft cloud "manual", but I got more confused than before. Any idea how to do this?
  9. Thanks Is there any tool currently to create phtoreal scenery ? (I'm talking for full regions, not airport photoscenery) I've read about some old programs... tileproxy or fs earth tiles but some users report not to be working now.
  10. Hi Having switched to x-plane a couple of years ago, mainly because of practically no ATC, no real good weather engine and lack of addons like fscaptain, fspassanger, etc... I'm now trying to return to FSX (I just bought FSX:SE Premium edition). A couple of questions: 1) Weather: I used FSWX before, and it was good, algouth I'm looking now for ASN. (I understand if the best weather engine right now). I read over there there's a new AS2016 coming. This will "replace" ASN ? if so, what differences are and will I have to "rebuy" the whole product ? 2) Anybody knows if EZDOK is really working on FSX:SE ? Or there is any new alternative ? (Looked videos of Opus camera effects and 3d cockpit effect but its not even near ezdok features) 3) I would like to add FTX: Global to refresh old textures.. but I was surprised for the price.. I saw it something like 75 u$s (99 aud) am I right? Is it worth it ? Is it "on sale" anytime ? I couldnt find any less expensive alternative for global textures.
  11. I'm having the same problem.... rolls to the right mostly.. and have move joke strong to the left to avoid crash.... could you solve this ? (calibrate didn't work)
  12. I think the main problem lies in that many of us expects to fill the tech gap since 2006 (fsx release), when in fact DTG only started one or two years ago at most, with far less people in the team, and not all of them kowing the engine. Understanding this, I decided to "support" flight school and late this year DTG Flight sim, if prices are no too high. Eventually, they will çatch up.
  13. Hi Martin, I know this is far far ahead... but what "FSCaptain" does is more interesting than what fspassangers do (my opinion of course). I guess you know it too.
  14. Thanks, I had noaa plugin 2.0, so upgraded to 2.14 just in case. (I already had phyton interface 2.73) A picture from EGFF ..now with full rain coverage.. still I see it like clouds / clear sky day. My skymaxx distance settings are at max. (When I try to post a url jpeg or png I get "You are not allowed to use that image extension on this community." What extensions are allowed ?) http://imgur.com/wlNY4kF
  15. I'm using noaa plugin also , and I don't know if its something wrong in my installation, symaxx pro settings or what, but even with 3.1, most of the times when raining, I see just a few clouds, the rest of sky is blue.
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