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  1. Thank you I uninstall completely FSCOM and reinstall and it seems better
  2. Hello I also have problem with the 3.84 (same message, model yet not supported) so I update my FSUICP and it is not working anymore. I Tried with the 3.83 version still not working So I revert to an old version of FSUICP and it work now (with 3.83) but not very well.. (I have to connect multiple time) So for me there is a problem between FS COM and the new FSUICP version. I send a mail to CPFLIGHT, I wait for an answer
  3. qled panel ? are we sure of this for the moment ?
  4. Yes interesting but the problem with all these high resolution headset is the video card you will need to have a smooth experience with MSFS2020+737NG+stormy conditions ! I have a i9 and a RTX3080 and pushing the resolution over 3000x3000 begin to be difficult (so at 5000x5000...)
  5. Hello I Did not succeed to see LNM in my ipad. I had open the 8965 port in my routeur in UDP en TCP but is still don't work . Any idea ? I found the solution: I did not have opened my firewall ! it works now
  6. no I don't use FS2Crew, I will look to my flaps lever input but I never had this probleme before
  7. Hello, I was flying with one engine out (failure at V1 cut). I was flaps 5 (speed about 180 m/ph I ama not sure) and suddenly the flaps moves by themselves to flaps 15.. I do nothing on the flaps. Is there an automatic deployment off the flap under spécific circumstances ? (I know for the slats near stalling but for the flaps). Ido the same the flight a second time and same thing occurs. Thank you
  8. Hello I use the failure options with 5 failures for 10 hours, I aslo use the service based one. It was working very well but for a couple of week it seems to no work any more. I flew a couple of hours without no failure. I know it is an average time but is there a way to confirm that there is no problème with failure , Is there a file lof or something to look at ? A other question about the ISFD: on start up (dark an cold), I have to wait 90s (shown on the ISFD) for the screens to light up, why this behaviour ? without ISFD I don't remenber this behaviour. ps: The search forum dont' work for me. Thanks you guys
  9. thank you for your answer
  10. Hello, I didn't find the response in the forum. When I put no fuel in the center tank (0 kgs or 0 lbs) the amber light low pressure do not illuminate ( pump off or on either). With the left or right tank the low pressure indication will come. Somebody could explain this ? what is the différence between the center and left/right tank. Thank you.
  11. Stallone

    1. guit32


      Guillaume LE MENTEC

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