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About caaront

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  • Birthday 06/15/1968

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  1. I got it, I figured out how to rasterize and flatten all layers in PS, this was my first time in PS. Thank you for this thread. https://imgur.com/hPtKate
  2. Hey Donka, I was reading the thread about adding a custom name to the T1-A Hawk and replied with my results which are directly below this line. Then I'll link the thread. I hope you can help me, and thank you.

    I ended up with a purple box with the checkered pattern, do I need to delete the layer with the checkerboard background?


    If you can help Donka, I want the names AARON TIRRELL and MORGAN TIRRELL added, I will update if I get it fixed first., Thank you.


    Pilot's name for Just Flights Hawk T1 - Microsoft Flight Simulator (2020) - The AVSIM Community



    1. caaront


      I got it, I figured out how to rasterize and flatten all layers in PS, this was my first time in PS. Thank you for this thread. 


  3. I ended up with a purple box with the checkered pattern, do I need to delete the layer with the checkerboard background? If you can help Donka, I want the names AARON TIRRELL and MORGAN TIRRELL added, I will update if I get it fixed first., Thank you.
  4. I cannot find the price of the product.
  5. Thank you. I have tried, it says I have to have a seperate user ID and paasssword than my regular Avsim membership, and it will not accept my email when I try to sign up.
  6. Thank you, below is my life, I have tried many times to read the tutorial, but I have three unseen text messages just whiler typing this before editing it, I may have to go to the ER, or the scene of an accident, getting through tutorial may never happen. never have had more than 10 minutes to actually sit at the computer at one time. Think I bought the wrong aircraft. I am a Lay Pastor (Assistant Pastor), and this week I have had 2 funerals, prepared sermons for them, I have two services tomorrow and have prepared sermons for them, I have a funeral Monday, have to prepare a message for it, along with running a food pantry and on call at the hospital and nursing home, emergency food for folks, etc... Sitting with a dementia patient mornings till after lunch, picking my niece up from school, tutoring her, church on Wednesday evening, a recovery class for addicts on Thursday, etc... At most I get 30 minutes in the sim a couple of times a week. And 15 minutes to peruse the net here and there sporadically. I am a disabled veteran and medically retired, and all my pastoral duties, counseling, tutoring, etc... is voluntary but very fulfilling. I think I made a mistake in buying a complex aircraft, I get to devote if even, ten minutes a day to flying in the sim. I average 4 hours of sleep a night. And on top of all the above, I get terrible migraine headaches totally disabling me when they occur. Retirement is not what it is cracked up to be. And when fatigue catches me, or I have a migraine I have to turn the phones off. I cannot turn it off just to browse online, or to fly the sim, as sure as I do the hospital will call, or the PD, or the HP with accident victims or their families requesting a minister, and would hate to miss out on praying a final prayer with an injured person just before they take their last breath, and to comfort their family members. So actually, P3D, FS2Crew, and PMDG are very low priority for me. I would love to master them someday, but at this rate I may never do it. There are always deaths, accidents, hungry people, people on the verge of suicide, folks needing counseling, folks getting married, funerals, in hospitals, etc... If I have to mow the lawn, or clean the gutters, etc, anything I dislike to do I seem to get no calls to distract me, anything that makes me miserable but has to be done. Of course if I want to plant a tree, or do anything for leisure, or pleasure, read, relax, eat, or have anything to do on the sim, or computer otherwise than solid intense work the phone will ring every 2 minutes into it and I get called away, without fail. If I set my clock to wake me up at 6am and lay down at 10pm because I have to rest, I will fall asleep at 10:15pm, get a call at 10:30 pm with an emergency, get back in at 1 or 2am sleep for 20 minutes and get another call, get back at 3am, have to much adrenaline from what I saw to sleep, and at 5:50 am will pass out from pure exhaustion, and the alarm goes off at 6am, no time to hit the snooze. On the rare occasions I do have spare time with no calls, I am so sleep deprived that my vision is blurred and I am nauseated from the loss of rest, and there can be nothing but sleep then. It is what I do though. Another edit, the messages were two prayer requests, and and food request for tomorrow. It is 2:05 am and I cannot justify anything but going to bed so I can be productive in the morning.
  7. These two knobs are just to the left of the auto brakes selection knob, what do I set them to? I cannot find the settings in the PMDG 737 manuals that come with the plane. If the knob on the right is set to the VREF it says "Invalid setting" or "Invalid input" on the instrument display. Is there a setting to where the FO will call out all the speeds, or do you have to switch the knob after each speed is reached? - Stupid question.
  8. DOH! Didn't have the knob to the left of the auto brakes set, what setting do I set it to? I finally got it to call out rotation but not climb out. At least I am making headway.
  9. And they don't show on the instrument display, it actually says on the side of the display "No V speeds" or something to that effect. What am I doing wrong? I would love the FO to call out the V speeds, and rotate, etc...
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