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  • Virtual Airlines
  1. I would like to see if any painters can do a repaint of the Overland Airbus A320 and A321 in Air Canada Rouge livery for me? I would be very greatful?
  2. We are the new VA Virtual Airlines. We are a virtual airline that is through the VA Financials website and uses their own ACARS system (VAFS5). We offer the following to our pilots. 1. Real World Route - Our routes are built based on real world flight information, some past some current. One exception is we will fly special flights every now and then that is not an actual route for our company. 2. Real World Aircraft - We only use aircraft that are or were used by ACA at one time. 3. Choice of Flight Company - With us you can fly either ACA or AC Rouge. 4. Hubs - Currently our available hub is only CYYZ as we are still new and trying to get off the ground. We will add more hubs as we grow. So if you are interested in joining this va please go to the website below P.S. - Tried to use the Links System and it says "Page Not Available"
  3. That works for the Airbus aircraft but not on the Boeing models. I find if you hit the Shift+E+2 you will get the cargo doors to open. Does anyone know how to get the rear emergency doors to open.
  4. This is to announce the relaunch of Virtual AC Airlines at the followiing weebly website http://virtualaca.weebly.com
  5. I feel bad for how you were treated. Being a CEO of a Virtual BAW it makes all of us using that brand look bad. If you like you are welcome to come join my Virtual BAW I will NOT discriminate against your real name, or english name. Either one is fine. Check us out at http://virtualbaw.weebly.com
  6. I prefer to fly through VAFS. I find many VA's get you to fly mega hours and all you get is to rank up. You get hundred's of thousands of Vrtual Dollars that just sit and collect dust. Now with VAFS they give you the option to actually spend, virtually of course, the money you make flying. You get to purchase items that allow for Pilot Pay Bonus, VA Bonus, or Pilot Performance Bonus. You get to . . . - Get a list of passengers incuding names and ages. - Choose your cargo you are going to fly. - Choose from literally hundred's of Virtual Airlines. - Most airlines have a va website where you can see how you rank. All in all I think that VAFS makes flying for a VA that much more worth it.
  7. I apologize if I have offended anyone with this post. I was only trying to bring my love of Air Canada to my favorite virtual airline site vafinancials. I am not nor ever have been the official virtual airline of Air Canada. I also know that there are other virtual airlines out there that represent Air Canada. I just wanted to be one didn't mean to offend anyone and sorry if I did.
  8. Welcome to Air Canada Virtual Airlines Welcome to the newly created Air Canada Virtual Airlines. Here at ACVA we offer . . . - Competative Wages - A good list of aircraft incl. 787-8, 777-300ER, and 777-200LR - Routes that go to Canadian, American, and Overseas locations. - A good chance for promotion to staff positions. - A chance to fly out of one of 4 major Canadian Airports incl. Toronto Pearson, Montreal Trudeau, Calgary International, and Vancouver International. If you are interested in applying to fly with the recently voted #1 Airline in North America for the 5th consecutive year by Skytrax. If interested you can apply online at our website http://acva.weebly.com
  9. We are looking for experienced pilots or new pilots to come fly for us. As the CEO of Virtual Air Canada Airlines I always listen to my pilots and almost always offer them anything they ask for. If interested please visit and fill out the application at http://virtualaircanadaairlines.weebly.com/ Mark Drinkle CEO Virtual Air Canada Airlines a member of VA Financials online community.
  10. We here at Air Canada Virtual Airlines are currently seeking new pilot to advance our small recently started airline. By joining our small, but growing airline you will be able to enjoy . . . - Flying on the VAFinancials System (or VAFS). - We are currently the ONLY vafs based Air Canada airline as the previous one has folded. - You will be flying on VAFS for Canada's #1 Consumer Airliner. If you are interested in applying for a spot with us go to aircanadavirtualairlines.webs.com and click on the "Join Us" tab at the top. Thank You and Welcome to Air Canada Virtual Airlines. Mark COO Air Canada Virtual Airlines
  11. To save on any problems that may arise we are NOT affiliated in anyway to to Virtual Air Canada found at www.vacanada.org. We are a different company all together actually named Air Canada Virtual Airlines.
  12. If you are interested in joining a VAFS based Air Canada VA than you are more than welcome to follow the link below. http://aircanadavirtualairlines.webs.com/ If you are not familiar with VAFS or VA Financials please follow this link. http://www.vafinancials.com/v5/index.php
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