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Everything posted by ebiror

  1. Yes, correct! Same thing here! I use the GTN 750 version. In the update 2.2 they "improved" the effictiveness of the flight controls. And spoiled the aircraft. It was so nicely balanced before and now it's unflyable. With or without autopilot. With AP is't a constant up and down, up and down and up and down. It makes you throw up. And yes, within - 500 ft to + 500 ft. Horrid. If you fly by hand the elevator reacts like a tarantula. But nobody seems to fly this version Beta 2.2 . In the Microsoft FS forum they just discuss about a stupid mirror and leather textures in hunderts of brainless forum inputs. I use the smaller Milvitz Cessna now, but I dont like it really. The Flysimware Ces 414 (was) much nicer!
  2. Same Navdata folder for all addons! Same flightplan format for all addons! Also flightsimulator reads navdatas from same folder. So ILS freequencies are always correct! All navdeatas provided monthly by Navigraph.
  3. Creating a new flightsimulator is like building a new house. At least I look, that all build in plug sockets are from same standart. So I really hope, thas all NavDatas are stored in just one folder. And that also Mr Randazzo and Mr Koskij et cetera use their Navdatas from this place. I also hope, that there is only one flightplan format. If a 3.party producer wants a different format, he has to convert it himself (in his addon) to his ever so much better format! My third big hope is, that also the simulater itself (FS 2020) uses from now on the Navdatas from the obove-mentioned NavData folder. So we have a little chance, that everybody uses the same ILS Frequencies. All the Datas have to be delived and monthly updated ba just one deliverer. Preferably Navigraph. For big hopes, people use to travel to Rome and light a candle in the Vatican Church. As it is closed at the moment for Covid 19 I just say AMEN. Ebi Rordorf, Switzerland
  4. I really hope, it is not needed anymore!
  5. Thank you Alex!!!!! I did it and it works fine. Bye bye Electronic Flightbag by Aivla Soft. Now a perfect map also on the Laptop. Kind regards, Ebi
  6. I have the same problem. Can not load the data on the client computer. It only asks for XPlane datas. Ebi
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