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  1. Hi all, Does anyone use any iPad applications for the PMDG or any aircraft. Things like interactive checklists? I'm trying to create a EFB. Joe
  2. Thanks Dan, fingers crossed.
  3. Sorry guys I've tried searching the forum and couldn't find the answer Is PMDG bring the 41 to P3D, (i'm guessing no like the MD11). If so I guess I need to find some sort of 41 to do my eastern airways flights.
  4. I can only speak from my experience, which is I find the method I use to work 99% of the time. But then I also have Topcat and PFPX which also gives me an idea on the arrival, as well as real world flying experience.
  5. Paul, Do you use active sky? If so, you can load a flight plan and then tune 122.02 and gain ATIS for the arrival airport. Joe
  6. Its ok, I probably didn't make myself clear. I've looked at the manual and managed to sort it. Thanks for the help Kyle and Michael. Joe
  7. Michael, I don't have access to the 747 AOM, when I said about the 747 I meant the upcoming 747V3 Joe
  8. Ok, I'll look now. Thanks for the help Joe
  9. Thanks for the quick reply Kyle, I flicked through the options earlier and couldn't see it Does this depend on how a author sets the aircraft up as I fly for Thomson Virtual and their custom made liveries still have IN as default?
  10. Hi As I'm from the UK, I operated from UK/European airports which use HPA, when I load the 737, 777 and I'm guessing the 747, they load automatically with IN, is there a setting where the pressure setting loads in as HPA as default. Joe
  11. Does anyone know where I can get a 'G-' reg E55P? Joe
  12. I'm not asking a GSX question, I'm merely stating that I use it. The fact that I'm asking about something to do with a PMDG product, should allow a thread in the PMDG forum, I was hoping that I may gain a response from people who fly PMDG aircraft and may have achieved what I am asking. Joe
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