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Everything posted by FSXtrial

  1. Ok I am taking a stab at this. It seems ORBX is really nice. I have not committed to UTX. What pieces of ORBX in north America would I need to get something for now pretty nice with REX4 ASN? I am ready to go ahead and do one with this setup and nothing else for now. I can't give it to him until I know what to do if he has a problem any way. I like what I have seen with ORBX. I do not know if FTX global is all I need I will probably use Vector also. They have all these add on pieces. What would continental USA need to be good. Not including towns airports (the add on type).
  2. Anyone know if FSgenesis is worth anything for use with UTX?
  3. Oh that's a good point but is fog available in FSX or prepar3d? I forget those little details since I now live in a desert and we get fog about every 20 years!!! He will have to deal with it though. Ok here is where I am at. So far I will get these two machines going. which would be better for training purposes? I assume ORBX and UTX on the same PC is a no no. Any changes or mistakes in these choices? Machine 1 ANS REX4 HDEv2 SweetFX FTX global Vector Machine 2 UTX USA/Canada REX4 ANS ??? ??? I do need one for him that wont need adjusting and won't be crashing he has no love for computers. I realize it happens but some things take less fine tuning than others. He is away at school.
  4. I will ask this and try wording this so it does not sound like I am stuck to any certain software. I like what I see from ASN. I like what I see from both flight1 and ORBX. I could care less about an airport if the slopes are not there. I am trying to set one up for me for fun but the real concern is for my son to practice with. No I can not afford a FS that is pilot training approved. But as far as wind turbulence and weather and obstacle avoidance realism is important. sky water looks and effects important. I would like to tie into real time or historic weather (I think ASN will do). Now for ORBX vs. Flight1(UTX GEX FEX). I probably will end up with both eventually. 1. Which would be better for my sons training practice realism? 2. What is the part of either program that creates the land slopes curves mountains bridges buildings that he might need to avoid if in low flight? 3. What is needed for ORBX as far as global or the sections of the rockies northwest pacific? 4. Is night flying landing any better with one vs. the other? I may set one up with Flight1 stuff and the other up with ORBX so what is the best for both is helping. I really appreciate the help. I almost spent a ton of money on things I should not have bought without your help.
  5. Very good information so far. Planes that is the next section or what is turning into a big project. But I will buy those as he needs them. He is only in cesna's at the moment. But I do need that information. I will find out what his trainer is. REX4 is on the list for sure.
  6. I have a bigger question if ORBX get the nod. I am not sure how to buy things FTX and Vector yes. After that though what has to happen all the little airports and scenery or this enough with the two? I am not sure really what has to be bought. And that is my dilemma with ORBX.
  7. Oh ok that threw me off. I kept reading and saw the videos that ORBX was better. I also read that UTX FTX ASN were good. I actually like them both but from viewing it just looked better. That does not say how well it functions though. Maybe ORBX does not work as well? I am glad I asked now. Just curious what your thoughts were. As I said I am basically new again to this. Thank you.
  8. I have not set a sim up in a very long time. My son wants rudder pedals to practice for flight school. I guess I am trying to go a step further. The setup I have seen I liked the look of was FSX, active sky next, ORBX, REX4. I also have looked at GEX, FEX, UTX, Opus. Not knowing how any of these truly perform I am asking for help. I would like the realism for sky, ground obstacles, water, flight, and weather if I am going to do this correctly. I do not even know how all this works any more. We have not been on a FS since FS 2004 and that was only a little. It would be very helpful to have input from some well versed users. My last real journey into this I had to use three computer to setup three monitors out of necessity. So I am waaaaaaaay behind.
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