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  1. In a nutshell, yes. Second to fourth messages should all have you look at your current position, flight planning & ETOPS requirements. ETOPS determines the maximum allowable amount of time you get between yourself & the nearest available & suitable airport. This is guided by particualr company certification & standards so this can vary between airlines. Looking at my company, with the APU unservicable or otherwise unavailabe we would be limited to ETOPS 180. If i were to apply that here i would have to ask myself if there are areas coming up where in case of 1 engine failure my nearest alternate airport would be outside of the 180 minutes now still allowed. If that's the case i could not legally continue the flight and would have to divert or return. Something similar happens with FIRE LOOP1 ENG L where i would also be limited to 180 minutes. If FIRE LOOP2 ENG L were to come on that would be reason for an immediate diverison. While people usually think of ETOPS in case of an engine failure degraded fire surpression systems can also place limits on your flight. I'd have to look up what would be associated with the BOTTLE CARGO messages but it would certainly be something to look at.
  2. Also bought Guanghzhou & noticed the same thing. Since Google brought me here (among other results) figured i'd share that the airport is in the APX78230.BGL file, in the airport's Addon Scenery folder. Still changes to be made but i'm getting happier :smile: PS .. so far haven't seen the need to follow the instrutions from the manual. Not sure i can explain why but somehow those seem a bit off to me.
  3. Coincidentally i've had the same problem yesterday. Lights for the same doors came on as i was climbing out. Pretty much turned my flight into a lap around the airport before finally returning. I have now only done 2 flights with SP1D & this was my first service based failure. Might keep an eye on this one just in case...
  4. Hi Nathan, I'd say it might depend on what you're looking to get out of it. Sure FSX is done development wise but flight simulation with FSX has hardly run it's time. There are still a lot of freeware & payware add-ons being developed for FSX. Right now I greatly enjoy the PMDG 777 and am looking forward to their update for the 737NGX & the new 747-400 V2. Throw in some quality airport sceneries that are out there and i keeping coming back to it. Then you have several options available to get weather simulation & other airline traffic involved... well, you see where i'm going with this System wise definitely some money would be involved but hardly thousands like you mention. The PMDG 777 was my main motivator for jumping to a new system & FSX. Sure i saved some money to get there but it wasn't quite that impossible. You mention encountering problems most of the time, perhaps because of your system ? On a system with lesser specs it can definitely be a mix & match of settings to get to the best results for that system. That was exactly the reason why i stuck with FS2004 for so long. So there's a lot of life left in it & I'll spend many hours on FSX for quite some time to come
  5. I have also seen 75kg per passenger being used. What's correct can differ from company to company. While we are at it, how about baggage allowance ? In all seriousness Kyle & Lasse have it nailed though.
  6. I stick with current & past routes of one airline which gives me a good pick of destinations & aircraft to use. I will fly to & back from whatever destination i have chosen. Apart from getting some decent scenery for my destinations i'll usually have a look and see if there is any more AI traffic i can add which World of AI did not have. Editing parking spots in sceneries & adding AI traffic is almost half the fun After that it's flight planning & together with Active Sky & Rex things come together very nicely.
  7. Hi Guys, Long time lurker i suppose but have finally registered. Figured now i might as well drop my first post in here. Spent a lot of time with FS9 but the PMDG 777 finally saw me come over to a newer system & FSX. Things have gotten even further out of hand ever since .
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