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  1. Fizzelle. Thanks for reply. It’s a different sound. Almost like static. There’s a noticeable slight hesitation in the sim when it happens. I can report since deleting the sound driver above it’s happening less, and, I’ve had no CTDs since removal of the Realtek sound driver.
  2. Just wanted to say Thank You very much for this tread. I've never had CTDs running MSFS. I installed the Kodiak. First flight went great! No issues. 2nd flight onwards I started to have random CTDs; sometimes in flight and others before the sim loaded a flight. Frustrating. I found this thread. I found a Realtek sound driver on my computer. I'm not using it. I went to device manager, found the driver, and "disabled" it. Following I rebooted and loaded a flight (about 30 min) with Pilotedge ATC. No issues (CTD). There's still a strange issue. At some points in flight there a "clicking" that happens over the audio. Sometimes it doesn't affect the sim. Other times there's a slight hiccup or hesitation. It still happened on my last fight but less frequently than before disabling the Realtek sound driver. Again, thanks for the posts above!!! BTW: I really like the Kodiak. It's fun to hand fly. I've learned to pay attention on takeoff (especially if you're fully loaded). As pointed out above fly the plane by the number as described in the manual and it works just as it should (rotate 60 knots and take off 79 knots). The Kodiak requires liberal use of right rudder in all phases of flight (including taxi ... low ground idle seems to help). I've found that rotating / lifting off too quickly (airspeed too low) and the p-factor (high power setting and low air speed) along with insufficient rudder can cause significant issues at takeoff (uncontrollable bank and unable to climb). I also like the Garmin 1000 nxi. I've had fun utilizing G1000 visual guidance even on non-precision visual approaches. I've found the Kodiak more enjoyable to hand fly than a bunch of other airplanes. It trims out better in cruise and is more manageable than most in climbs and descents. It takes an active yoke on approach and landing for a greaser. For now it's my go to MSFS ride!
  3. I had a Saitek yoke, 2 x throttle quadrants and the Saitek trim wheel (along with the Saitek radio stack and multi stack… auto pilot controls,flaps, trim). After update 5 I had major trim issues on a few planes (not all). Over this past weekend I installed a Honeycomb Alpha yoke and Bravo throttle quadrant. All trim issues are fixed. Everything works great. I highly recommend the Honeycomb Alpha yoke and Bravo throttle quadrant. They’re a huge improvement over the Saitek set up I was using. It’s a totally new and improved flight sim experience. Also, I’m still using the Saitek radio stack with Spad and it’s working great.
  4. Hello Justin.  Which Thrustmaster pedals?  The TPR pendulum set, or, the plastic set?  I've been looking for a spot to purchase the TPR pendulum pedals but am unable to find any availability.  Thanks,

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