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  1. Two controllers: joystick and throttle quadrant, yes the mouse can move the throttles. It appears to be a profile problem, as Bob alluded to, possibly related to being stored in the cloud?? With all profiles, the throttle lever moves in the sim but with the Default profile the engine responds, other profiles -> no response. When you open a profile in Control Options and check the Power Management | Throttle settings, all profiles look the same. Meaning it will show Throttle 1 Axis (0 to 100%) etc, the quadrant element assigned is correct, move the throttle control and the profile bar moves. Some profiles work and some don't. I found one profile where all assignments were missing - nothing there. I know I didn't do that. So, trying to dig deeper I looked for my profile files. On my MS store version of MSFS the controller profiles are stored in the wgs folder located here: C:\Users\your_name\AppData\Local\Packages\Microsoft.FlightSimulator_8wekyb3d8bbwe\SystemAppData\wgs\... You'll see alot of incomprehensible files names. I opened a few of the xml files but without field definitions it was difficult to know exactly what does what. Plus you've got to open each one to see what it's about. Evidently all controller settings are stored in the cloud for the MS Store version as well as Steam. I'm going to delete all my throttle quadrant profiles and start again based on the Default profile. I did one already and that seems to work, not too much of a big deal but certainly confusing. This seems to be an opportunity for an app to manage profiles. At the very least a profile should marry to an aircraft as well as to a controller device. As it is now if you change aircraft you may or may not need to change your profile. Anyway , thanks for all the comments, I will report if I find anything useful. John
  2. Not sure I understand this: "disconnecting all your peripherals except mouse and keyboard" If I disconnect the throttle Quadrant how do I check if it's working? Wouldn't the tools used by the profile be the tool itself? Please elaborate. Thanks John
  3. Community folder: not empty but no changes since when it was working just fine. No FSUIPC-like software. As to throttle profile in controls options, it is set to either my T.A320 Pilot Profile or the TCA Q-Eng 1&2 profile, i.e., the Airbus joystick and throttle quadrant that had been working. But, just for the heck of it I changed the throttle quadrant to Default and then it started working. So I changed it back to several of the other profiles and only Default would work. But at least that works so thanks for the idea. I need to investigate/create new profiles and check some more. John
  4. Various aircraft: C150, C172, CJ4, C206, ... Moving the throttles on either my Airbus joystick or my Airbus throttle quadrant or via the mouse or keyboard (F3/F4) shows the throttle levers going forward in the sim but I get zero spooling up or increase in RPM. Devices are configured correctly since the sim throttles move with whichever device is moved. I have read numerous posts from simmers with the same problem but have not seen a solution. I have the latest updates for MSFS2020. No Auto Throttle involved. No Assistance On. Not in VR. Someone wrote about mouse position but that did not help. Start/restart/reboot etc. many times. Since it happens in several different aircraft it appears to be sim related and not a/c specific. I haven't been in the sim in a month or so and everything was fine before the last update. Thanks for any ideas. John
  5. Conclusion Well, it all worked, just not exactly as I thought. I presumed the reinstall would not re-copy existing files but it did anyway. As I said the new drive was an exact clone of the original. I pointed the install to the new (cloned) drive and away it went - copied every file again, took hours. Obviously what I was trying to avoid in the first place. Bottom line, I have MSFS2020 working on the new build. Thanks for watching. John
  6. Yes Bert, sort of. I remembered when I bought the game through the Microsoft Store it had me install the XBox App ( even though I don't have an XBox) So now I opened the XBox app and indeed it showed I owned the basic, deluxe, and Premium versions. I have cloned my old MSFS2020 drive to a new drive on my new system. I selected Install to the new drive. At first the install took about 1 minute since it found all the standard version files existed. Then it came to the Deluxe and Premium upgrades and I could not stop it from updating those files. Problem is, it is downloading all of those files as if they don't exist so this will take awhile as you all know. I believe as you have posted to someone else I probably should have just left the new drive blank and started from zero. Oh well, we shall see what happens next, sometime tomorrow at least. Thanks, I shall report back.
  7. From inside my running copy of MSFS2020, the Marketplace shows I own Premium Deluxe upgrade. However if I go to the Microsoft Store and sign in it doesn't show I own either the Standard or the Premium Deluxe version. It just shows "Buy..." I am trying to install MSFS2020 on a new PC I just built and assumed the MS Store would just reinstall to a new location but I guess not. So, how do you get MS to install the sim without buying it again? I'm not trying to get 2 copies, I will uninstall from the old PC when the new install is up and running. Thanks
  8. Anyone know of an FSX add-in, app, fsuipc/linda code, or any other method to get your exact takeoff distance from brake release to wheels up and then landing distance from touchdown to wheel stop? Trying various STOL aircraft and want to compare takeoff and landing techniques. Thanks John
  9. I'll add another "me too" to this topic. I was running the Citation S550 with no problems getting a smooth, locked, 30 FPS. I get the same smooth flying with the PMDG 737. As soon as I downloaded and installed the Navigraph FMS update my Citation frame rates are now in single digits - totally unusable. I deleted the Citation from FSX and then reinstalled it and again got a smooth 30 FPS flight, no problem. I then installed the FMS Navigraph update and again got unusable frame rates. Something is going on here with the Navigraph update, maybe not with all users but enough to show something is wrong. Hope someone has some ideas. df
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