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Everything posted by Burge

  1. just a request for pmdg737 fuel cutoff switches 1 2. be awesome to have for my fuel flow. R RECIRC FAN-not working i think scmtech talk about this not sure, so much to read. you boys are the best
  2. Gerald thanks for that mate working. Tell me mate what's the mechanic & purser scrip folders for.
  3. Hello Gerald 737-700 MCE V3.0.7.0 I use CereProcTTS voice. in Mechanic folder cockpit to ground, ground connect ground power. [SCRIPT] service interphone on pause=2 Notify=cockpit to ground nothing from mec pause=10 Notify=ground connect ground power nothing from mec pause=10 battery on pause=10 standby power auto transfer bus auto isolation valve closed a c meter set to ground power position light steady press master caution pause=2
  4. A new product is coming just wondering will MCE work in with this.if it does will be cool. i know its early days
  5. Just the stock standed AV that came with windows 10 mate i am not running any free ones and have not perchase any AV just letting you know Gerald fired up fltsim started mce A ok back to normal thanks for the tip on AV mate it has givin me hell cheers from Captain Barry
  6. Microsoft windows 10 Your wright Gerald its my AV i went to Protection history This program is dangerous and executes commands from an attacker. AFFECTED ITEMS file: C:\Program Files (x86)\Multi Crew Experience\filename.dll (edited name) I turned AV off Reinstalled mce once installed i turned AV back on run mce THREAT remove or restore i restore filename.dll after that run mce no error now its letting me do steps 1 to 10 in mce. Bloody hell did not think it was win 10 AV mate cheers
  7. C drive no corruption when i load in fltsim wait for 2 or 3 min run mce and it wants to install from were i unzip it from e\download if you run mce from desktop this is what i get 1 run this e4ed763.msi 2 please wait while windows config mce 3 failed to load marshall.dll Reinstall and try again its not there because i unzip it install it and got rid of it up till now mce been running fine i have not mess with nothing just doing my flows in my doc.
  8. uninstall old version with control panel Install new version V done the steps with headset and all that run msfs error looking for xpak were i unzip it to I am mce ultimate edition register user so i gave it one more try this what i got The Feature you are trying to use is on a network resource is unavailable No valid source could be found for product i run one computer i dont know about network i am a newbie to this stuff. MCE been running fine till now cheers barry
  9. Hello all I think this has been asked before V New Version do i need to go thouge control panel and delete old ver.how do i update I am running multi crew ultimate edition
  10. All good on my end Gerald i got both now mate so now i will backup mce. Thanks again my good man
  11. Hi Mate serial Number mate cannot find it i have had mce for years last time i got my license was by you mate by email. things these days just seems harder to install programs all my years with this program been fine. bit frustrated this has been my go to for years Cheers
  12. Dave when sitting at Sydney mate will the chatter just pick up just Sydney Oceania or will it go thought all Oceania chatter files
  13. MCE Ultimate Edition loaded up mce in msfs splash screen trying to connect to fltsim does not load mate Gerald my license is installed.
  14. Hi Gerald unpack mce install ok I just try it on the desktop i know it will not load got the splash screen please start fltsim x prepar3d or fs 2004 next i will go in msfs load it up, last time was splash screen and then it kept quieting mate. cheers Barry
  15. Controller Folder is tick Stick and Rudder folders copied to Pilot2ATC_2021_x64/Sounds Play chatter ticked I have done all that dave Default Region is blank. Volume is up mate
  16. BETA 5V All my FS-ATC-Chatter from stick and rudder as followed 1 Pilot2ATC_2021_x64 2 sounds 3 ATC_Chatter when i go to config sounds tick play chatter Country region Default Region is blank no region also no sound on test flight.
  17. Reinstalled again all i get is splash screen please start fltsim x prepar3d or fs 2004 that's in msfs & on my desktop
  18. reinstall mce from web site then started MSFS then started mce then it started looking for fltsim x fltsim 2004
  19. All good this end V3.0.3.2 thank you all for your help
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