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  1. Hi, I can't get Avia Flight Monitor to recognize/record my X/Y-Axis inputs on my WinWing Ursa Minor stick (no curves on the analysis graphs). Worked well with my Warthhog but it won't record with the new stick. It's showing in the settings menu but it won't record nonetheless. Auto-Detect didn't work either. Any suggestions? Thanks, BR; Stu
  2. Thanks, that's what I assumed too. I think I'll take my chances and just give it a try.
  3. Hi, so I‘m currently using the Thrustmaster Warthog base with a A320 stick from flightsimprojects. Now I‘m thinking about switching to a Virpil WarBRD base and since the website states it is compatible with Thristmaster grips, I wonder if my A320 stick will then fit on there too. Flightism projects sell separate A320 sticks for both bases, so it would seem the one doesn’t fit the other, but since Virpil says TM sticks will fit, I am confused. Does anyone know? Thanks Stu PS: I of course also asked the guys at flightsimprojects, but they (suspiciously 🙂 ) never responded.
  4. @srcooke Oh man, thank you so much!!! Worked perfectly! That was a super-easy 3-click fix, awesome! Solved! 🙂 Cheers Stu
  5. Thanks guys, really appreciate your help and patience. While I was able to point the application to the correct SDK plugins, it's still giving me errors while compiling, although I only changed one ILS frequency. Unable to do this. Will avoid 27L when going to to EDDV. 😄
  6. Yup, I have it. Can't find any bglcomp.
  7. Okay, you know what, I give up. Apparently I'm missing some paths/files, a bglcomp exe which I can't find in any SDK, ADE asks me for the sim I'm using but the drop down menu isnt working, I can't enter the scenerey.cfg location manually... I guess this is for very FS9/FSX sceneries, not P3D. But thanks for your patience and help. I'll just use the default ILS freq then.
  8. Well, it's neither in the location you mentioned nor at the path that is set in my settings above... It always saves only the project file, no bgl.
  9. Thanks, but it's not quite working yet. In the options you mentioned, I have a "With Bgl File" option, but even when I activate it, it will still only save a .ad4 file. I guess I'm still doing something wrong....
  10. Sorry, maybe I expressed myself unclear here. 🙂 Thanks for the advice, but I did actually manage to change the frequency, not problem there. What I was asking was how I can save this modification into the BGL I opened. I don't see any command or anything for this....I can only save as a "project".
  11. Thanks for the tip. I have no experience with ADE, but I managed to open the BGL I thought was the right one and changed the frequency for the ILS 27L to 109.95. But I couldn't figure out how to "save" the bgl... Can you give me another hint? Did I even do this correctly? 🙂 Thanks!
  12. Hi everyone, so I recently purchased JustSim's EDDV and noticed, that it uses wrong/old/default ILS frequencies. The correct ones currently published in the charts do not work. So is there a way I can correct this myself somehow? Couldn't find any update/fix online... BR & thanks for any advice, Stu
  13. Maybe the guys over FSElite could make an investigative coverup story regarding this mystery 😅
  14. I'm no legal expert, but I don't think that it's 100% legit if you list the content of a product you are selling, and then after the customers paid in full, just don't deliver all parts that were advertised. Anyways, at least they should update their product description and "detailed program guide" so people who (consider to) buy now don't think they will get everything that is listed there. It is still showing the full program on their website with the last module due Feb23 !
  15. Don't get me wrong, I admire their sense for quality and if anything is not good enough, it should receive attention. I love the program, I really do. I understand these are tough times for most of us and I hope Ben and the company is okay. But I what I don't understand is, if it wasn't finished or still in sub-standard condition.... why do you sell it in the first place? It's just getting a little frustrating to hope for the last piece of something I paid for to finally arrive, while checking the website & the forum regularly. It just starting to feel a bit strange. "New modules each week" was never the case. The timeline I was given on purchase did not work out. And fully purchased content is still missing. Not to mention the unfortunate break in the "learning flow". It's been over a month since their last statement, questions here go unanswered and the last part of the product are 2 months past due... I don't want to sound mean, sorry. I do hope everything's okay. But reading above comments of Ben vanishing "again" worries me... I really would like to know what's going on. Thanks, Stu
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