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  1. So I’ve experiment a little with OpenXR Toolkit. Especially with the upscaling mode ( NIS ). I’ve turned the size down to as low as 50%. All it does is that it makes the picture very blurry ( even with 100% sharpening ). Anyway, no increase in fps or smoothness at all. Not a single frame… Without upscaling I achieve arround 40fps ( with stutters / very unsmooth ), with an upscaling size of 50% I get a very blurry picture with around 40fps ( with stutters / very unsmooth ). Same same… Best regards
  2. First of all: Thanks to all for your suggestions! I’ve tried to balance CPU & GPU load. The starting point was, that with all settings maxed out and TLOD/OLOD both at 150 , I was limited by mainthread as long as I was using Traffic ( FSLTL or FS-Traffic ). As soon as I disabled Traffic, I’m still mainthreat limited, but the CPU-Graph now remained constantly yellow. So I’ve tried to give the GPU more load, which wasn’t easy, as I was still CPU limited with all settings maxed out already. So I’ve cranked up the rendering scale in order to get the GPU more involved, which was successful and I eventually came to a point, where the limit was constantly changing between CPU & GPU, while the CPU-Graph was constantly yellow and the GPU was stable at just below 32ms. So far, so good, but the stutters remained, the VR-experience was still far from being smooth or fluent. I simply don’t know what to do… Best regards!the GPU more involved, which was successful and I eventually came to
  3. Just installed OpenXR-Toolkit today: made absolutely no difference...! Settings in OPXRTK: - upscaling / sharpening: NIS - Turbo mode: on I think I'll return the system, the difference between my previuos system ( i9 10900k / RTX 3080 ) and the new system is by far too marginal. Don't want to spent 4.500€ for that minimal performance gain. Just disappointing... Best regards!
  4. Thank you. Any recommendations/ideas for the nvidia control panel? Best regards!
  5. Hello, FSLTL actually makes a huge difference, when disabling FSLTL it's smooth even in EGLL. I've got only 4 entries in community folder ( EDDH / EGLL / Port of Hamburg / Simbriefpanel ). I don't think that this is the bottleneck. MSFS stats monitor ( FPS ) is not readable on Varjo Aero ( far upper right corner and only on left display ). My LODs are only at 150. My point is still: why is it stuttering with that much headroom??? Do I need openXr tollkit?
  6. Hello all! I've just installed my new system and set up MSFS and must admit: I'm pretty disappointed. The new system consists of the following components: - Ryzen 7800x3d - Gigabyte RTX 4090 - 32GB DDR 5 RAM @ 6.000MHZ - ASUS ROG STRIX X670E-A GAMING WIFI - M.2 SSDs only - VARJO AERO HEADSET - NO OpenXR toolkit installed In order to test the system I've maxed out literally all settings to ULTRA. TLOD & OLOD both at 150. FSLTL: active IFR aircraft set to 30, parked aircraft set to 100 PMDG 737 Although this is quite a potent system, the SIM is still stuttering... Especially in Heathrow when taxiing or looking around in the cockpit. Now one might say that EGLL and greater London ( Aiport addon from INI Scene ) is the most demanding area in any Flightsimulator. That's true but the funny thing is: when checking parameters in HW-Monitor my CPU-Utilization is only about 30%... GPU load is appr. 60% Based on these readings there should be pretty much headroom left, so that the system shouldn't stutter at all. What is wrong on my system? Why does MSFS stutter although there's so much headroom available? Thank you and best regards!
  7. Hello all, as my 3.5 year old PC suddenly displays a "cpu overheat" message although the watercooler seems to work ok ( all fans working / cpu-out water hose warmer than cpu-in hose ), I'm now taking a closer look into a possible significant upgrade. My current system consists of an i9 10900kf / RTX 3080 / 32GB DDR3200 RAM. I'm flying primarily on prepar3d v4.5 and v5.4, but I'm considering to do the sidestep to MSFS. Anyway, I fly exclusively in VR, using a Valve Index and do also consider an upgrade to a high resolution headset ( such as a Varjo Aero ). For this purpuse, I require a high end system, as I fly with PMDG Aircraft, Active sky and in high density areas such as EGLL. I'd like to switch from Intel to AMD, but like to stick to nvidia GPU. My questions: 1.) What CPU should I aim for? 7800x3d, 7900x3d or 7950x3d? 2.) What GPU is required for my purposes? RTX 4090? Or is a 4080(S) as well sufficient for a smooth VR-Experience ( primarily in p3d )? 3.) Any special requirements on RAM? 32GB sufficient? DDR6000 required? 4.) Any special requirements on the mainboard? 5.) Any special requirements on the PSU? 1.000W sufficient? 6.) Operating system: WIN 10 or WIN 11? As said: the system should be tailored to VR-utilization with highest possible resolution, clarity and smoothness in mind. Thank you all very much in advance, Best regards, Toto
  8. Hello, I'm considering the purchase of a VARJO AERO. Will this be compatible with p3d v4.5 ( using steam VR )? Thanks and best regards, Toto
  9. Hello, I'm having a problem when recentering the VR View with the default key-command, I think it's called "recenter ( or reset ) VR view": it sets me up correctly in the pilotseat but I'm always having the problem that the view is not straight forward but always a bit left of right of the forward view, so that I'm always sitting a bit angled to the left or right which seriously breaks the immersion. How can I adjust/pan/rotate the view-direction to the left or right so that my "virtual head" is pointed exactly forward in order to look straight forward in the cockpit? I've tried the "pan left/right" commands but they don't work in VR. Furthermore "X-Camera" does not seem to work in VR? Best regards, Toto
  10. Thank you very much indeed Bryan, got it sorted with your help! Best regards, Toto
  11. Hello Bryan, yes, always with admin rights. Given the weak support of Leonardo I do not expect to get a response to my post in their forum. Is there a way to add the lines manually in the panel.cfg file? Best regards, Toto
  12. Hello, since the latest update for the maddog ( build 2.1b840 for p3d v4.5 ) I cannot open the FS2Crew panel in p4d anymore ( neither with "N", nor with "vehicle" "panels", nor with the mapped joystick button ). There is no Fs2crew entry in the panel.cfg, even after repeated dis-/enabling of Fs2crew in the maddog config-panel. All installed/started with administrator rights. Tried to install from Fs2crew installer, as well as from "all in one"-installer. Still no joy. Any thoughts on this? Best regards, Toto
  13. Hello, brief question: are touch and gos possible as with the 747&777 edition? Thanks and best regards, Toto
  14. Hello, thanks for your help but there´s no such directory on my system under P3D v4
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