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  1. Hey all, I'm working on a Spad profile, and one of the conditions I need to test for is whether or not the Waypoint Information window is active in the G1000nxi. This windows pops up when you are entering a Waypoint into the GPS. I'm hoping someone knows what SimVar shows whether or not that window is active so I can fire off some custom events in Spad. Thanks!
  2. The problem is, I'm using this for real-world practice. I have an SR20 G6 with the Perspective+ system which is the Garmin 1000NXi (with some mods).
  3. Man. I hope that is not the case. I fly with a Perspective+ in an SR-20 G6 and I love it. I have the Torquesim SR-20 which adds some nice Cirrus-specific pages, but the guts is still essentially the default G1000. I guess I'll have to go the MSFS2020 route and use the Working Title mod which I've hear is amazing.
  4. Just an update for others looking to update their databases. I have the RXP 530 v2 software along with a RealSimGear GNS 530 unit. Using IFRGuy's method, I have updated to the 2014 cycle using a one-time purchase of the Jeppesen Western U.S. database. Cost me $129. Worked perfectly and shows the correct effective dates (Dec 31, 2020 - Jan 28th 2021). Thanks a million for this info!
  5. You are correct! Works PERFECTLY! I can't thank you enough for fixing this issue. Your product has been invaluable with my IRL IFR training. Thanks again, Paul
  6. Hey Jean-Luc, Unfortunately this is still not working for me in the C172. I confirmed that the selections are all checked in the settings menu. In addition, here is my RealityXP.GNS.ini to make sure I have everything set correctly for the 530W:
  7. Fantastic! Can't wait to give it a try. Thanks so much for fixing this. Much appreciated!
  8. Ah... and since the C172 does not have an HSI and only a VOR OBS that explains why it doesn't work in the C172. Thanks for the clarification and can't wait for an update as I *love* your product. -Paul
  9. Thanks for the followup. Just to confirm, you're saying that you cannot replicate the problem in the C172 or that it works everywhere BUT the C172? Paul
  10. Returned from vacation and can confirm that the OBS does NOT work in VLOC mode either. Hopefully, you guys can solve this problem. Thanks! Paul
  11. Thanks for the reply. I tried Link to HSI and even cycled through each setting individually to see if any combination is causing the problem but no joy. I need to confirm that the OBS is, in fact, working in VLOC mode. I was trying so many iterations trying to isolate the problem that I want to make sure... but I'm out of town till Friday so I'll post results when I return. Paul
  12. UPDATE: So I think I'm able to confirm that this is an incompatibility with the RXP 530 v2 and the stock C172. If I load the Airfoil Labs 172 or the stock Cirrus, the OBS works as it should. This is a major bummer as I'm currently getting my IFR IRL in a 172 and I've read here that the AFL 172 is wonky with the autopilot. Can you guys confirm this is a stock C172 issue and, if so, will you be working to fix it? Thanks.
  13. Here's a link to a video capture I made of the problem: I have ELB set as the Direct To WP. In GPS mode when I select OBS, you'll notice that turning the OBS course selector has zero effect in the GPS unit. In addition, each time I select/deselect OBS, the OBS course seems to jump about 1 degree in the GPS which is reflected on the CDI. I also, as mentioned above, have all the selections checked in the Panel Configuration settings. Hope this helps to diagnose.
  14. Took the plunge and purchased the 530W. Added it to the panel and everything seems to be working perfectly.... except for OBS mode in GPS. If I turn the OBS in VLOC mode, all works well. However, if GPS mode is selected, when I press OBS on the GPS, the course line appears from the waypoint, but turning the OBS knob in the sim, while correctly rotating the course card in the sim, there is no movement of the course on the GPS and thus the needle nor ambiguity indicator move on the VOR receiver. I've selected all the settings in Panel Instruments but still can't get the GPS to recognize OBS movement. I'm sure I'm missing something obvious here. Thanks, Paul
  15. Thanks Ken. In addition, for anyone interested, Damian over at HiFi answered my question in detail: http://www.hifisimtech.com/forums/showthread.php?6990-Student-Pilot-Question-Regarding-Winds-Aloft-amp-Flight-Planning-in-AS16&p=34845#post34845 Appreciate everyone's input. -Paul
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