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Posts posted by JPR

  1. Hi Dave   🙂

    In Windows 10, the default voices are set in the registry here:
    Example: Hazel, David Zira and Hortence (for Windows in French)

    When we add news voices in Windows 10 they are added to this registry:

    Pilot2ATC uses only the default voices located in this registry:


    ✔️   Until now, to be able to use the additional voices, I exported the register:
    Then I changed all the references "\Speech_OneCore\" to "\Speech\".
    Then I imported this modified reg file into the registry and Pilot2ATC saw and used these new voices as they were copied into the default voice registry:


      With the latest Windows 10 update, this export/import in registry of additional voices no longer works.
    The import into the registry shows that the update went through successfully... but the new voices not appear in the registry:
    and Pilot2ATC does not see these new voices anymore.

       Is there a solution for Pilot2ATC to see and use the voices located in the both registers to be able to use the default voices and additional voices?

    Thank's   🙂

  2. The N key is not affected in P2A. It is always after a long press on the key on the keyboard. With a normal short press, there is no such problem.  
    - It also does this problem with other unassigned hotkeys in P2A if I do a long press with this keys.
    - I also tried deleting all the hotkeys in P2A (so there are no more assigned hotkeys in P2A): even in this case a long press on the N key (or other key) triggers the copilot radio message "centre <aircraft callsign> at flight level xxx". It is always this message that is transmitted by the copilot.

  3. Hello Dave   🙂

    (P2A v2.6.2.2 r3b / X-Plane 11.53 / Windows 10)
    When I hold down a keyboard key (not assigned in P2A) for a few seconds (e.g. the N key on my physical keyboard), the copilot automatically announces to the control centre for no reason (e.g. "centre <aircraft callsign> at flight level xxx" and the control centre announces the radar contact). This occurs after releasing the keyboard key.
    I can't suppress this automatic unwanted radio contact from the copilot each time a keyboard key remains pressed for a few seconds (2 to 3 seconds for example)
    I have tried disabling all keyboard shortcuts in the P2A configuration, but the problem persists.
    Do you have any idea where this problem could come from?


  4. Hello Dave, 🙂
    I have just installed the last P2A version v2.6.2.2R3a
    For the plugin communication with X-Plane, I see two versions of the plugin in the Pilot2ATC directory:
    - P2A_XPLink
    - P2A_XPLink-128

    What is the difference between this two plugins ?

  5. Hello Dave   🙂
    I use the last Pilot2ATC v2.6.2.1_x64 release.
    For the ATC dialogs, I use the P2A_SpeechAssitant. To send messages, I use a button on my joystick.
    Every time I send a request or a reply to ATC, I get an unwanted popup window. 
    If I don't close them, I have a lot of windows like this one:


  6. By importing an airport into P2A, then manually making a change, I save the changed airport: it appears correctly in the "User Modified Airports" list   👍


    The default airports in P2A are often different from the airports in X-Plane. This is why I always import the departure and destination airports in P2A before flying with X-Plane. I thought that just importing (without manual modification) was enough to make the airport appear in the "User Modified Airports" list.

    It would be interesting if airports that are only imported (without manual modification) would also appear in this list. This allows us to quickly see if an airport is up to date in P2A.


    In the screenshot three post above: how the functions work:
    - Overwrite Taxyways at Modified Airports ?
    - Overwrite Gates at Modified Airports ?

    The functioning of the four options (checkboxes) is not described in the documentation.

  7. On 10/1/2020 at 12:22 AM, Dave-Pilot2ATC said:

    I did find a bug that was not adding the modified airport to the list when you Save Changes after edits or imports.  That will be fixed in the next update.

    There is not a setting to bring your changes from the previous installation over to this one.  However, after you follow the steps in the next paragraph, they will show up in the list as modified.

    If you want to bring them over, you can copy the P2ABaseData.mdf file from the old installation to the new one, and delete the P2ABaseData_log.ldf file in the new installation.  These files are located in the Data subfolder of the P2A install directory.

    This will also bring over any modifications to the Gates and ARTCC controllers.

    Hello Dave   🙂

    With the last update (v2.6.2.0) I have the issue again.

    (Pilot2ATC started in administrator mode)

    The modified and saved airport files are well present in the "C:\Loisirs\PGM_X-Plane\Pilot2ATC_2018_x64\Data\P2ABackups\" directory but not in the list here:


  8. Hello Dave   🙂
    I have a similar problem:
    I have assigned the hotkeys X to the "Sayit Hot Key" function and the hotkeys W to the "Speech Assistant Window Hot Key" function.
    This will work correctly for several P2A sessions, then these two hotkeys are no longer recognised and I cannot assign them again in P2A. So I use hotkeys U and I for these two functions. Then these two hotkeys will generate the same problem after several P2A sessions. Then I assign again the hotkeys X and W which are again recognized by P2A.



  9. I recently changed my computer and reinstalled P2A on my new computer (you restored my licence key). Since this installation on my new computer, I have just upgraded P2A to version
    On my old computer the "User Modified Airports" list was correctly filled with all my airports modified with P2A.

    On my new computer, with the "Overwrite Modified Airports" box checked or unchecked, when I save the airports changes with the "Save Changes" button in the "Gate and Taxiway Maintenance" window, the modified airport is not added in the "User Modified Airports" list. On the other hand it is added correctly in the directory: \Pilot2ATC_2018_x64\Data\P2ABackups\

    Is there a setting that would allow this list of "User Modified Airports" to be restored in P2A or in one of its files ?

  10. Hello Dave   🙂

    P2A v2.6.1.3 - Windows 10 Pro.

    In the "Gate and Taxiway Maintenance", I have saved several modified airports. Unfortunately, these modified airports not appears in the "User Modified Airports" list.
    Is this normal? Doing something wrong?



  11. Hello Dave  🙂
    I changed my computer (more powerful + Windows 10 Professional) and I reinstalled the latest full version of Pilot2ATC (v2.6.1.2).
    Everything works fine except the popup window for the stand by frequency (COM 1 or COM 2): this popup window doesn't appear if I click on the STBY COM frequency.
    In the Windows 10 taskbar, I can see that there is a window associated with Pilot2ATC (so the STBY COM popup window), but this thumbnail shows that there is no text or value in this thumbnail window (see attached screenshots). I can close this ghost popup window only from the Windows taskbar.

    Usually I don't use this popup window to change COM frequencies (I do it in X-Plane), but I have an occasional need for this popup window: it's the only location where I can adjust the sound chatter volume (files from X-ATC Chatter). Currently this chatter volume is much too low compared to the ATC volume.

    => As the volume chatter is saved somewhere, could you please tell me in which file this value is saved, in which variable in this file and what are the limits I can write manually in this file... if of course this file is editable with a text editor.

    For STBY COM frequency, the popup windows don't appears:




    For the STBY NAV frequency popup window, it's OK:



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