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Posts posted by JPR

  1. Hello Dave 😃

    1 - In the P2A configuration I defined the "TERPs Local PDF Folder" :




    2 - In my "TERPs Local PDF Folder" I created the subfolder "ESDF" containing two PDF files for the ESDF airport :




    3 - Then I open the "TERP" management window with the "TERPs" button and I click on the "Local Charts" checkbox : I have a message indicating that the ESDF folder did not find...




    => What's my mistake ?

  2. Hello Dave 😃

    In X-Plane, the airport scenery located in the user "Custom Scenery" folder have priority over the default scenery ("airport.dat" file located here : "\Resources\default scenery\default apt dat\Earth nav data\apt.dat" )

    Does P2A take look for the custom scenery located in the user "Custom Scenery" folder of X-Plane when importing gates and taxiway with the "Gate and Taxyway maitenance" tools ?

  3. Hello Dave,

    Before take-off, the STAR and APP are not necessarily known in advance on the destination airfield. The active runway may change...

    Currently in P2A, the STAR and APP must be pre-filled in an IFR flight plan before it is sent for clearance.
    If the QFU on the destination airfield changes during flight, the APP and likely the STAR in the current flight plan must be changed.

    How to make a STAR and APP change in flight in P2A ?

  4. Hello Dave :smile:

    - Pilot2ATC 2018 v2.4.0.5_x64 -

    Configuration / ATC chatter :
    The sound volume of the ATC chatter is really low compared to that of A2A.
    Would it be possible to have a higher volume for the ATC chatter or better a slide cursor setting for the volume of the ATC Chatter in the configuration window ?

  5. Hello,

    I'm on the ground on LFBD Airport in France.
    I switch both the NAV 1 and NAV 2 on the VOR frequency of SAU ( 116.8 MHz )
    I'm in range of the SAU VOR.
    On the Captain's Flight Instruments Panel :
    I select the direct radial TO inbound the SAU VOR on the Garmin VOR/LOC/GS Indicator : radial 112° TO
    The needle of the VOR Indicator 1 & 2 and the direct radial TO on the Garmin VOR/LOC/GS Indicator are coherent and needle centered : 112° for the both (all is OK)
    On the First Officer's Panel Instruments, this is not the case :
    The needle of the VOR Indicator 1 & 2 indicate 112° (that's OK)
    The direct radial TO on the Garmin VOR/LOC/GS Indicator is now 053° (this is wrong)
    If I turn the knob to the radial 112°, the needle of Garmin is not centered as it should (this is wrong)
    => Where is the problem ?

    Jean-Pierre RIchaume

  6. Ok, thank's for the answer :smile:


    It's Ok.


    I looked for the file : "...\X-Plane 10\Aircraft\PMDG\DC-6\documentation\README_PMDG_DC6_Base_XPL.txt" and it say :



    PMDG DC-6 Base Package for X-Plane            VERSION v1.10.0044





    All is OK, I'm in 1.10.0044 version.



    Jean-Pierre Richaume

  7. Hello :smile:

    I followed the download process of the new version of the DC-6 (1.10.0044 version) :



    How do I get it?:

    Easy!  Log in to your account in our eCommerce system, go to your order history, navigate to the download link and pull a brand new copy.  You can run this installer and it will update the installation for you.


    You can always uninstall your original installation and then install this new v1.10.0044 too, if you like.  Either method will get you to the same place.

    Then I have executed the installer (in overwritting my precedent DC-6). I indicated the location of X-Plane on my hard drive. And everything went well.

    But when I look at the DC-6 integrated windows panels and I look for the file contents, for example "...\X-Plane 10\Aircraft\PMDG\DC-6\Documentation\Douglas DC-6B-R2800 CB16.txt" the indicated version is "1.0" ...

    Question : am I in the new 1.10.0044 Version ?






    Thank you. :smile:

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