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  1. thats the silicon lottery more then anything. Some i5s will OC better then the i7s and even amongst themselves. Try it, with one of those onboard utilities to see how far can you go baseline.
  2. If your not using it for any modern titles outside of flightsim, then my advice still stands. Video editing, or anything thats multithreaded (start from 6700K), 3-way SLI might want to look at the HEDT options like 5820K or 68xx series
  3. I agree, but I guess my way of building is that, I`d rather overclock from Day 1 on a new chip to get the most value out of my new setup, then try OCing a chip thats worked well, on Day 600 and loose that value I could have enjoyed earlier. To be fair if you need a Z170 skip the extreme end and the budget end of boards. The parts in the higher end only have value if you use them, otherwise useless ROI. Lower end parts, well for the most part are not a good idea. Midtier boards, especially those that are server or business certified carry a name and at least promise that they have longevity in mind.
  4. Anyone have the original installer for FreeZ LSZH V0.9 or later? Tried the flatten trick, worked on V0.61 then stopped working for v0.7 I dug up from one of my old installs
  5. OEM keys are one time use only for the most part. So nope. Retail keys are reuseable, so theoretically if you purchase a retail key, you should be golden
  6. Pick up a 1070 aftermarket edition and you should be set.
  7. Why go for an K version if your not OCing?
  8. If the machine is just going to be FSX, then I wouldnt really care whether i5 or i7, just OC the i5 and you`ll be golden. If you are going ham on the machine, for other items, need to list those before anyone can definitively say i5 v i7
  9. Windows 7 was a pita for some addons as is, but after quite sometime got it in 90% working order with occasional hiccups. Everything beyond that, just not motivated to troubleshoot W10 bugs that might appear. My best advice for anyone building a new desktop not laptop or even modding an existing desktop is side boot. 1) Keep an SSD for the main OS Core Files and X number of HDD (SSDS if your budget allows it) 2) Keep the SSD to include your main OS, all other drives or a single other drive divided would be holding your other OSes and your main OSes user data 3) Install like no other to your heart's content. Install oldest to newest and then install your flight sim in your preferred os 4) I know some people who prefer XP to hold their FS8/9, W7 and above for FSX and P3D, X plane on OSX along with other titles in an OS during the original Launch date.
  10. Downloaded FreeZ LSZH here and for some reason on certain views, the ground texture switches from apron to grass. Did the AFCAD purge, and side loaded FreeZ but same issue persists. Currently on v.61. Anyone have links to v0.9 in the effort to troubleshoot the problem?
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