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Posts posted by AOB

  1. I received the dreaded "not enough room to install your update" message a couple of days ago. I have an AMD Ryzen i5 with a 500gb (475gb usable) hard disk. I checked an realised that I had about 50gb free and my MSFS install in the packages directory was over 300gb. So ...... After reading a few threads I moved packages to my hard drive and edited the config file. I fired up the sim and had a few problems. Next move was to remove MSFS and re-install the vanilla product without any add-ons. 

    That is where I am at now. I have installed only the 2 world updates pertinent to where I go flying every day.  I will reinstall some of my Orbx products but not all.

    This does not bother me too much because I have a gaming PC that my wife uses for work every day and I know I can install anything and everything on that when she gives up work later this year. 

    But I was wondering if anyone else plays on a similar laptop and if so what they have loaded onto their machines. How much free space does one need on a machine?

  2. 2 CTD's so far! I bought YSSY Sydney and YAYE Alice Springs this morning in the ORBX 737 sale and installed then along with the freeware Renton airport scenery from flightsim.to. I fired up my sim and realised there had been an update. I selected my Grumman Widgeon and the longest runway in YSSY and got a CTD. Restarted and tried YAYE in a stock aircraft and it worked perfectly. Using the same stock aircraft I went to the shortest runway in YSSY and it seemed to work although no on screen guages appeared in external view. When I stopped my flight to check out Renton I got another CTD. I do not know if this is a problem with ORBX YSSY and the latest update or maybe a conflict with their Sydney Landmarks that I also have or what but I am going to get the add on manager mentioned on this thread and disable stuff until stability is restored. 

  3. On 5/11/2022 at 2:00 AM, touchdown84 said:

    There is also a KRNT freeware (https://flightsim.to/file/5169/renton-municipal-airport-renton-wa-usa-krnt) with good ratings.

    Thanks for that. A good option for me as I have limited funds. I did go there and see the production line in action a few years back and it was a magnificent sight. I know that is not in the freeware product but it is good to see the airport.

  4. I hope someone has figured out how to do this but the cloud based MSFS game can be played on portable devices so ...... I have a Lenovo Tab11 Yoga tablet with 8gb of ram and a lot of storage so subscribed for $1 to the Xbox game pass. I try to install the game and it says to connect a controller via bluetooth or plug in with a USB. I plugged in my PC joystick and managed to fire up the game and got into the MSFS configuration menu but no further. Has anyone else tried this and how far did you get?

    I was thinking of a trip to EB Games and maybe buying an Xbox controller to see if that works. 

    After a bit of digging through youtube this guy answered my question.


    Not worth it for me but it could be well worth it for those who have low powered PC's or a spare XBox controller.



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  5. 3 hours ago, Sesquashtoo said:

    Over the last many weeks, since the latest SU9 version, I have been 'grooming' SU9's Community Folder,  deleting files that were conflicting, with SU9's performance, or were in fact locking SU9 up, preventing a load out to my selected airport, world-wide.

    I too have been playing with flight sims for a long time (anyone remember the Sony MSX and the SEGA SC3000H?) and agree that this incarnation is visually the best I have ever seen BUT I will not go so far as to say it cannot get any better (monster trees for example).

    The quoted line does not thrill me at all. If we have to tweak and delete that community folder every time an update is released then I can see a point where I will retreat to another sim.

  6. Interesting question. I mainly run MSFS (bought through steam) on my laptop but also have it installed on the PC at the front of the house. Different joysticks as well but so long as I do not try running it on both at the same time it works fine. I have also wondered about getting it on my Android tablet through game pass but wonder how it would cope on a cruise ship out in the middle of nowhere. 

  7. I do not care about either argument. I was dumb enough to buy the Boeing 247D when basically all I want is something nice and shiny to go explore our world in and to retrace all my real life trips. Yes I am an unrepentant virtual tourist. This is a game in my opinion and not near real life flying so why spend buckets of money on planes. 

    Actually speaking about dumb, if I dumb down the 247D so ctrl E works and then it is just throttle and stick flying I love it. I especially love the sound of those old engines. So does my buttkicker. 😀

    Please do not fight over these things. Everyone is entitled to their opinions.

  8. Thank you for your reply Kendall. I cannot see any changes in configuration or assignments it just does not work anymore. I have flown in external view and watching the throttle and it is showing some real anomalies. Tried reversing the axis and deletion the config files and rebooting a few times and changing the flight stick over to a spare. I even offloaded the Boeing 247D which was my latest purchase because I know it "remembers" settings from previous flights.

    Next step is to try it on the main PC instead of this laptop. If similar problems occur there then I guess uninstall MSFS and re install? 

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  9. I was flying around the Sunshine Coast up in Queensland this morning and I sent myself up for a landing and the throttle on my Airbus TCA stick went non responsive. Although I throttled right back to idle my engine just increased speed to maximum. I tried a couple of other planes with the same result. Using the keyboard it was the same. A tad disconcerting. Even with full brakes on my plane seemed not to want to stop. Anyone else had this phenomenon and know how to fix it please?

  10. I logged into Simmarket yesterday and out of curiosity I put the Boeing 247D into my shopping bag to see how much it cost. The answer was 17 Eur. Anyway after conversion to AUD I saw it was 10% or more cheaper than the marketplace price and as that plane has been described as the greatest thing since sliced bread I hit the buy button.  Anyway as an unrepentant scenery addict who does not really care about cold and dark starts or working bathrooms etc and just wants something good looking to fly around the marvellous MSFS world I was a bit miffed when control E did not work! I know how a lot of you aspire to becoming a virtual pilot but I would have thought that their plane would have had a dumb option for those like me. Ah well .... Looks like I am going to have to experience check lists and manuals and thingies. 

    Any other virtual tourists in here or is it just me. 😄

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  11. Thanks to Adamski for starting this topic and to DeepestRed for giving me the best explanation for things that I have never quite understood but suffered through. In my humble opinion for us Oceanic types seems to be that we are mostly a very long way from the servers we need and they are often overloaded when we want to use them. We can try getting up at the dawn of crack to have a nocturnal fly and see if that is any better or alternately stick to stand alone sims/games. Of course if we have bags of bucks we can always move to Seattle. 😃

  12. I do not think Asobo or MS are to blame. I rarely get a CTD wirh MSFS but also I rarely fly for more than 30 mins in this game anyway. But last year when I decided I wanted to join an online group training on flying the Wellington Bomber in IL2 Desert wings I found it was hopeless. 12 CTD's or more per session made the whole thing impossible.  I have a fast internet and spent good money on improving it to no avail. I do not understand the techical stuff but the strength of your  connection to your local server does not mean you can fly online well.

  13. I do not know if this has been reported previously but if so I apologise but an official update has been released for the Fokker F.VII. I bought it yesterday. I find it is prone to overspeed very easily despite reduced throttle but maybe that is just me. 🙂

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