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About AOB

  • Birthday 01/24/1952

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    Flight Sims, Cruising, Reading

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  1. I never said Grass Monkey would be better, just cheaper. 🙂
  2. I have used Track IR 5 with a simple wireless baseball visor clip for years. It is a good piece of gear. If you want to check out grassmonkey simulations they make a similar system called Puck IR for about half the price if cost is an issue.
  3. I have one and also recommend it.
  4. To answer the question I think you would need to try both and then decide which one suits you best. Is there no try before buy option for these?
  5. Hi Crimplene, thanks for the invite to Discord but I do not really do social media. I looked through posts on Photogrammetry yesterday and I no longer think my tree issue is fixable at user level. So I am happy to wait until am update comes out in the future.

    1. crimplene


      You are welcome, even if I am quite sure that I did not invite you to discord. 🙂

  6. Yes thanks crimplene. I just tried it and the ground image was different enough to cause a little disorientation. You are right in that the trees are still way too big and dense compared with a google maps image. I just wish there was a scaling utility for the trees.
  7. A pre try comment from me. I am going to try this because MSFS messes up my area with way too many huge trees. Google Maps looks far better to me so ..... (fingers crossed)
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