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Posts posted by AOB

  1. Walking my dog this morning and the nearby GA airport was in full training mode with engines coming to life, helicopters passing and even a business jet taking off. It was quite noisy. Back in FS 2002 days a company made an add on that let you place sounds around an airfield. I remember plonking bird sounds at one end, railway crossing bells at another, and engine noises galore. I cannot think of the software name but does anyone know of something similar for MSFS. ?

  2. I was flying over Mount Gambier Prison (not Gaol or Goal) in my MW ultra light the other day and that prompted my memory of the Escape from Alcatraz mission. Here in Australia we could only effect a break out if it was timed to coincide with the running of the Melbourne Cup. EVERYONE and their dogs are glued to the TV or mobile devices for that race! 🙂

  3. Yeah well spelin was neva my strong point. 🙂 If anyone knows how to edit a thread title it would be appreciated.

    By the way I found what I was waffling on about in my Official Strategy Guide for Flight Unlimited II. Adventure number 2 - Escape from Alcatraz. Night flying and taking off from Garibaldi 6Q2. No lights, radio or transponder. You cut your engines in flight and glide into a landing next to the dock. Load up with escapees and high tail it to Gnoss Airport and land with your special delivery.

    FUII used a Beaver for this but we have some floaties that will suffice in our sim I think. I also reckon on some daylight practice flights to orientate myself.

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  4. I started work before they had calculators. We used pay table books and a pencil and paper. Later I used to use Quattro Pro. We liked it for its charting. My first personal spreadsheet program was Power Ledger for my Atari ST. I remember it used an R1C1 format for cell addresses rather than today's A1 type. It made doing formulas interesting.

  5. In December I bought Sydney and the Landmarks packages for Australia. After installing WU7 I just flew around Adelaide and Sydney and there are no conflicts that I can see. Back in the 60's - early 70's I used to live in Sydney and worked in the CBD and I am constantly amazed at the detail in this scenery. The old AWA House in York Street is even modelled. Many thanks to the devs.

  6. All this old geezer talk reminds me of the magazine I used to collect and read going back a few decades ago. It was called Full Throttle and died sometime around 2000 I think. I used to really look forward to each issue of that one.

  7. Is it me or is the official microsoft flight sim website full of grumpy old buggers like me trying to impress one another with their FS lineage? Now I like a good site like this one but when it gets to old geezers playing mine is bigger than yours ..... 😄

    • Like 5

  8. On 1/22/2022 at 11:54 AM, 177B said:


    Does it look like sunny Florida with palm trees?

    New England is up north, and close to the coast there is only a few inches of the white stuff -- snow that is the kind made with water.


    Yeah well I did say pardon my ignorance. I should have looked a bit harder but it just did not look like the snow covered landscape I remember from my visit to Colorado a few years back. We never get snow where I live but there is plenty of white sand around Australia but very few palm trees. 😊

  9. I bought Palm Springs from Orbx yesterday and I noticed the blurry rounded hills around the city. From reading this thread and similar I am thinking and please correct me if I am wrong that:-

    1. You must have a decent internet connection that is not subject to interruption.

    2. You must have a pretty good rig.

    I have fiddled with the settings within the MSFS program as per other suggestions.

    I do not have a good internet connection. Being Australian means nothing like what you can get in Europe or in parts of the US. I can get 52 mbps to the local server in Adelaide but very few programs have data on the local server so I am likely to get constant fluctuations and glitches that have prevented me from playing any online games in the past. For example in the Wings over Desert incarnation of Cliffs of Dover I was getting kicked out at least 12 times per session when trying to play online with squad mates. I tried different computers, paired gain devices and locating next to the modem/router. This is after buying and installing a decent modem/router with repeater devices placed around the house. Nothing worked so I reluctantly said good bye and offloaded those programs.

    I do not really wish to invest more money into new hardware, I do have a decent PC that my wife uses and I like to play on my low end laptop and I think that should be good enough for me.

    Am I right in what I was thinking?

  10. Hi folk, I know this is not steam but I have the FSXSE version and also have the XPlane and AFS2 steam versions. My problem is that I keep getting notifications of new discussions for XPlane and AFS2 when I no longer play those sims. How do I unsubscribe to a discussion stream and just leave it for my FSXSE? I have tried doing search for this information but get hundreds of seeming irrelevant answers. I am obviously not asking the question the right way. Any pointers appreciated thanks. 🙂

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