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Everything posted by cesdash8

  1. Reinstalled MSI Afterburner software and the precipitous drop in fps re-appeared. It appears as though the RSS server software which is part of that application may be the one to blame. There may be some sort of 'conflict' with this software and XP12 that's causing a huge drop in FPS. Has anyone else seen this occur?
  2. Just thought I'd pass this on in case....recently purchased a Gigabyte 4090 to replace my aging 2080Ti. In XP 12 I was getting about 15-25 FPS depending on graphics settings and scenery location. Yesterday I installed the latest Nvidia driver 531.68 from the 'Experience' app. Opening XP, I immediately started getting only 5-10 FPS (yikes). Uninstalled the driver as well as 'Experience' and installed 528.49 driver only - now XP is running at around 45 FPS at 4K triple monitor 🙂
  3. Initially I had the same issue. Solved, when I downloaded the 'eCommerce Installer' from the RXP web page. Ran the installer and selected the XP12 folder. Works.
  4. I was experiencing the same issue in P3D v.4.5; finally found the issue - seems as though P3D saves some sort of flight file automatically. I had turned on 'auto-save' in FSUIPC thinking that app would automatically save changes to any settings made in FSUIPC automatically. Turns out - P3D was auto-saving the 'flight file' which was causing the annoying stutter. So, the stutter I was experiencing within my hardware setup at least, has been solved!
  5. Thanks for this; it appears to have worked well
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