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Everything posted by cmck

  1. I have had PD34 latest version for a few days running with no problems but today when I tried to go from full screen mode back to a windowed mode, the window went to the task bar and I was unable to bring it back up when clicking on it forcing me to exit the program. This also happened when I tried to widen the cockpit view using the setting at the bottom right just above the transparency setting. I run a second monitor and disconnected it, but still had this problem. Has anyone else experienced the window freezing to the task bar? If so what's the fix? Running windows 10
  2. I version 3.1 WT after 3.0 is released as I understand it. That's going to pretty amazing when that happens. Hope it all works out!
  3. I also run windows 10 but have no problem. What type of video card do you have? My Nvidia 970 GTX has a DVI output that I use in the other monitor (not sure if it makes a difference). I usually start the sim first then open Pilot2atc. I then create my flight plan then connect the sim that what it says to do in the manual. Not sure if that would affect the way it operates by changing the order, but have no problems doing it that way. Maybe try disconnecting the second monitor opening the sim and P2ATC on your main monitor, connect your second monitor then drag P2ATC over to the other. Make your flight plan, file it then connect the sim and see if that works
  4. Definitely helps if you set the descent lower to 1,500 fpm maybe even 1,000 and set the ground speed higher that will put the TOD point earlier in the flight plan especially if you are flying jets above FL300 and 500knts. Also try setting the Approach control radius to like 200 miles so that communications start earlier. For me that was key. You really have to experiment using this program to see what works for the type of flying you do. It's not one size fits all
  5. On a separate issue I was wondering if for the future will there be any change to the GUI? Would be great if individual parts could be displayed. For example a keystroke to bring up just the map window, one for the flight plan, one for frequencies etc. Or is there a way you can do this now? Would make for a better flight experience so as not to have to constantly toggle or keep shifting that whole display around. Also would be neat if there was an app available for a tablet so the display could be shown there as well. Thanks for the new update the vectors seem better. Still would love to have more headings given during the flight to next waypoints, altitude, and speed calls during approaches. Sure more great stuff is coming!
  6. When planes are ready to takeoff and providing you have (AI enabled) the tower would "Delta 4 runway 13 line up and wait" After takeoff "Delta 4 fly runway heading contact departure on 119.0" I'd like to hear departure and center give more headings during the flight "Delta 4 left to 280 direct BRADLY" On ILS approaches Pilot: "Delta 4 13 Left" ATC "Delta 4 cleared to land 13 Left reduce speed 10 knots and maintain visual separation" (If you have AI traffic enabled) I feel like there's not enough communication from ATC during flights in general and that more headings to waypoints and altitudes be given during all phases of a flight. Just my observation, but really feel like Pilot2atc has lots of potential and further improvements will be coming.
  7. I'm hoping that there will be some more ATC interactions in the next update in regards to giving headings to the next waypoints. Such as "Jet Blue 1 fly heading 314 to SGD" I'd like to see that in the Sayit feature. Or "Jet Blue request heading to next waypoint ex SGD" Can you that now? Maybe I just don't know that you can, I'm still learning a lot about the program, but agree with above post that at times, ATC just stops communicating at key points in a flight. For landings ATC should always give a final vector to the runway and also should give speed call outs for traffic separation during transitions along Sids and Stars. As stated I still have much to learn about the program and I have been using the trial version. Knowing that updates are coming will definitely sell me on this product. Is one coming soon?? It's really well done and impressive adding much realism and really teaches you a lot about flying strict routes and traffic patterns. Very cool.
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