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Everything posted by mikeat

  1. Like the beginning comment in this post, I too have tried to get support and never an answer. However I have used the support@simplugins.com. I'v even tried to as if I could pay for the support, but still nothing. I understand that when 1 person is doing all of the support for a software product, but come on months go by without a peep. Does it take a purchase of another product? Just let me know and I'll make a purchase. One in particular is the A2A Cessna addon. But before I buy it, I want to be assured I will get support. I just need a direction.
  2. I haven't been able to pay attention to all of the gauges within my cessna panel, but I have just noticed that they are not working. When I click on them to set them up, I notice they said "Displayed for X-Plane only". OK, so I removed them from the panel and selected 2 others only to find out they all say ".....for X-Plane only". None of them work with FSX. So what am I supposed to do to make these work in FSX?
  3. Thank you for your reply. My intention is to be able to just move the map and screens associated with the GPS to my cockpit with dragging the GPS bezel with it. My cockpit is made up of physical hardware such as two NAV/COM radios, the audio amplifier, and the GNS 530. I elected to go this way for the realism in the cockpit. The GPS has a VGA monitor in it so that I can have the screens that FSX shows and I can push buttons and turn the knobs in real life. I believe you've answered all my questions and I appreciate it. I will be ordering it as soon as I get back home. Thank you again, Mike
  4. Before purchasing I have a couple of questions that were not specifically described from another similar software manufacturer. 1) Will this work on an Arduino based GPS unit and a VGA monitor in my simulator that has a hands on GPS (not a screen version GPS) unit that has has it's own monitor to display information. I don't know how better to describe it but I don't use the one provided by Flight Simulator software it is through FSUIPC. 2) Is there any limitations with the amount of button inputs on this external GPS unit? I have 22 input buttons on my flight sim panel. 3) Are there periodic mapping updates required?This is not a problem, but I need to understand what I will need to do periodically. Anything else I should be aware of before making the purchase? I have a GNS 530 unit. Is there any thing else I may need to know? thank you
  5. How in the world am I supposed to get a reply? I've tried 3 times hoping to get someone's attention. 72 hour's to get a reply! Really? 1st time = March 21 at 5:51pm. 2nd time = March 25 at 2:18pm. Most recent April 4th at 6:23pm. Each one from your website. Reality XP received the emails from me, but as of today. I haven't heard from them. What gives, out of business, no one in the office? Simple question!
  6. Math issue! how about this as far as the ini that I have. It appears one of our ini is not correct. Mine has 31. Yours does not have the last 4 and that's is what I received. GPS1_COM_VOL_PRESS= GPS1_NAV_VOL_PRESS= GPS1_COM_FREQ_TOGGLE=0x11002 GPS1_NAV_FREQ_TOGGLE=0x11003 GPS1_LARGE_CV_INCR=0x11004 //GPS1_LARGE_CV_DECR=0x11005 //GPS1_SMALL_CV_INCR=0x11006 //GPS1_SMALL_CV_DECR=0x11007 //GPS1_SMALL_CV_PRESS=0x11008 GPS1_CDI=0x11009 GPS1_OBS=0x1100A GPS1_MSG=0x1100B GPS1_FPL=0x1100C GPS1_VNAV=0x111100D GPS1_PROC=0x1100E GPS1_RANGE_INCR=0x1100F GPS1_RANGE_DECR=0x11010 GPS1_DIRECT_TO=0x11011 GPS1_MENU=0x11012 GPS1_CLR=0x11013 GPS1_CLR_HOLD= GPS1_ENT=0x11015 GPS1_LARGE_GPS_INCR=0x11016 GPS1_LARGE_GPS_DECR=0x11017 GPS1_SMALL_GPS_INCR=0x11018 GPS1_SMALL_GPS_DECR=0x11019 GPS1_SMALL_GPS_PRESS=0x1101A GPS1_RAIM_PREDICTION_FAILURE_TOGGLE= GPS1_RAIM_ACTUAL_FAILURE_TOGGLE= GPS1_FAIL_GS_TOGGLE= GPS1_FAIL_GS_SET= I'm not going to continue arguing, but that email was never delivered to my inbox and neither is it in my trash or spam folder. If it had been, you wouldn't have been hearing from me. And as for the gns.ini. As you can see at mine above there are 31 events and as you can see I // out 4 of them. Yours doesn't have the bottom 4 of which I have no idea what they are used for. removing the bezel became a no issue There's no math problem with the .ini that came with my purchase
  7. JJ knows who I am. I'm not afraid to tell you that my name is Mike Turner. This is the 1st time on this forum. I wasn't aware of always needed to put that in my posts. And to put what you said in proper perspective you offered to refund, which I didn't want, I didn't want to get something for nothing. All I wanted was to have the 24 out of 31 or 77.4% of the events. That's not asking for anything that called already paying for it. JJ was the one that said he would give the Advanced Edition, free of charge. I didn't ask for that, he offered it. And again, I don't necessarily want the Advanced Edition to get what you advertise at >80%. I'm not at 80% , I can't even get to 77.4%. I am an honest person who only wants what others advertise and that i've paid for. If your advertisement would have said >74%, I wouldn't have mentioned anything, I would have bought the Advanced. JJ was just trying to please me and all I kept telling him was I only want 77.4%, but the free Advanced Edition was his suggestion so that he could move on. If that's what it takes, then so be it. I did not desire the Advanced Edition, I desired the Basic doing what it was supposed to do. His only way was to to give me the free upgrade. Don't try to make me the bad guy. Blame that on your website advertisement.
  8. I recently purchased the GNS 430 530 basic software based on my review of the " Features Chart for Basic, Advanced, and Professional ". My GPS hardware would require 24 events. The .ini file for the GNS show there were 31 maximum events possible. The chart stated ">80% of the common events" would require the Advanced Edition. My choice based on this was then decided upon. 24 out of 31 events = 77.4%. A no brainer, right? Wrong, the only way to make the software work was to have 23 out of the 31 events, or 74.1%. I called Mindstar and was told that the 80% was "just an estimate". Now mind you 74.1 is not an estimate of 80%, especially when it was written ">80%. I was then told that they would not spend anymore time on my problem. It cost more than the $50 they made from my purchase and then was told they would refund my $50. Wow, what a way to run a business. I didn't want the refund, I wanted Mindstar to fulfill what they advertised, give me 77.4% of what I purchased. Then I was told that "I'll just give you free of charge, the Advanced Edition, because there was no way they were going to redo the software. I didn't want to look like I was trying to get something for nothing, but if that was the only way to get my 77.4% then so be it. That was discussed on September 12, 2018. And guess what? I haven't heard anything from Mindstar and at this point I really don't expect to ever hear from them again. My point, beware of what you buy from Mindstar, it's all just an estimate. Actually it's just bad business to not back what you say you can do.
  9. Thanks to all for the help. I believe I now have confidence in the purchase. Thanks again
  10. Before I make a purchase of the Reality XP GNS530/430, I'd like to be sure the bezel can be removed. I haven't found much on the subject so that's why I'm asking here. I have a GNS 530 with a screen so I'd like to make it realistic, if I can. Thanks,
  11. In July of 2017 I purchased analog Panel Builder & EFIS Panel Builder. These addons were going to finalize my home built FSX cockpit. I read the installation and setup portions for a 2 pc setup long before performing them. It didn't look like anything that difficult. Multicast, ports already setup, basically just install and start flying. Boy, was I wrong. I got a lot of help to iron out my problems. Most were good to help me in the right direction and eventually everything worked. But soon after it would take a dump. So I'd call back and the process became quite regimental. I would get info to help me into the direction and I'd find it and it would work. But again, not for long. Now, I profess, I am not really well versed in IT things, so networking 2 pc's using an Ethernet cable between both pc can't be that difficult, right? Boy, was I wrong, again. The non usage of Panel Builder within my nearly $8000.00 simulator has got to me and all because of Panel Builders daily un-reliability. So, here I am today after asking several very simple questions regarding how the Multicast Group address interacts? do I need to share files? if so what files do I share? within a simple HARDWIRED Ethernet network of 2 computers utilizing ONBOARD RJ-45 connections and I don't get a peep from simPlugins for nearly 1 month of email requests. Will I purchase any more simPlugins products? I'd love to especially, when they work their AWESOME, when they don't? Well, then you are sitting on an island!
  12. I don't understand what I'm doing wrong. I fly into an airport that is supposed to have PAPI lights, but they are not apparent when I'm landing. What could be the problem? I gone through everything that I know, so I'm hoping that some one can answer this puzzling question. thanks mikeatsr
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