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  1. No Mods, no Addons in use. Everything vanilla. (besides the navigraph data)
  2. Same problem here, can not enter ANY flight. Its just loading endless on the satellite view (before zooming into the aircraft).
  3. The game is called FS 2024. They needed to release it in 2024 obviously - to avoid renaming in 2025 - to get the xmas busiuness with them so, it was released in a non-finished state. it works *somehow* but not as we all expected. OK. quite normal today for complex softare. But: We have 2 weeks of Xmas and New Year etc behind us. I guess they are back to work now and will fix many things as they did with 2020. Probably will take a year or so until its more polished. I reinstalled 2020 (have both parallel now), fly in 2020 and after each patch i am going to test 2024 for its usability and decide then. Take it easy, just a game and 2020 runs like a charm until 2024 is ready.
  4. Thats....hmmm...interesting? And important to tell the whole world. Really.
  5. The career! Finally a purpose to do flights.
  6. My first flight today was fine. The second flight i had a full display freeze (same bugs that was "officially" solved in 2023). Aircraft was flying but nothing was working anymore in the cockpit. Annoying.
  7. Nice. The better Twin Otter 😄
  8. Aaaaand after the update i have endless crash to desktops. cant get into menu anymore. nice.
  9. Yes. Very important to see the water on the floor in the toilets in the backyard of airport x and y. Not so important to have a proper ATC, bugfree aircraft and working windshield wipers, clouds and watermasks and ... ok, im quiet now.
  10. The Aerosoft Twotter was not a complete fail, it was one of the first real payware addons, lets say medium-fidelity. Still good to fly. BUT - abandoned by Aerosoft - as Inibuilds and Hartmann will continue work on this bird - tell me which Inibuiilds and which Hartmann aircraft is bug-free? None. So unfortunately, it wont get better...i guess it will be worse than the early Aerosoft version.
  11. after all these years finally some updates?! unbelievable. Works perfect but now its perfecter! 😎
  12. Any ideas why i can not install the new installer? Always brings the message Setup Error: An error has occured: [0x80070002] can not find the file ...blabla I have downloaded the new installer now several times. Does not work.
  13. Thats exactly the benefit of a flightsim, not to waste time with long flights but condense them to the interesting phases with time compression. ☝️ Or do you think, real pilots do 10 hour flights in the airlines training sims? 😄
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