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  1. When in yoke profile screen check sensitivities (upper left) . Make sure neutral is at zero . Your settings in the photo are the same as mine , if you want the same sensitivity settings as me let me know . It works great for me .
  2. I found out what it was . If you go for a quick start (CTRL + E ) is starts everything but doesnt turn on master battery or DC button . Once started if you flick those two buttons to on the problem disappears . Just thought I would post in case anyone else has similar issue . Dazza
  3. Yes dont know whats doing it . Cant even access the lights panel either . Oh well bin it . Dazza
  4. Thanks already done that it seems like some weird bug . Dazza
  5. I have an issue with the otter in msfs2020 . Whenever i right click my mouse it turns off all lights in cockpit and gauges go to zero . When i release right mouse click gauges go back up . Its causing temporary loss of power whenever i right click anything . Any ideas anyone ?? Dazza
  6. Full respect for acknowledging you were wrong . Just fly the sim you like and dont fly the one you dont . Makes for a far happier day . Dazza
  7. Thanks , just giving my view without getting involved in anyone elses . We are all different with different tastes , the one thing I would say though is msfs2020 isnt even a year old yet some of the negative posts on here perplex me . If you dont like the product dont use it . I prefer it over the others so use it . Not a single flight sim since I started over 20 years has managed to get me to say 'wow that is unbelievable' as many times as this one does . I know its not perfect but the potential is there just be patient people . Dazza
  8. Is it possible to post a pic of your sensitivity page as i cant quite get mine right . No worries if not . Dazza
  9. I have used p3d xp11 and msfs2020 . The reason i used p3d and xp11 was to get myself back into flight simming having left it behind over 10 years ago in preparation for msfs2020 . As soon as i heard about it and saw that announcement video that came out of the blue for msfs2020 I knew I wanted back in . Having used all three sims p3d and xp11 were used as prep for 2020 , however I was aware that I might get attached to one of them and not use msfs2020 that much when it came out. One flight in msfs2020 confirmed instantly to me that my choice of using p3d and xp11 merely as stop gaps was 100% correct . I havent flown the other two since and wont be doing anytime soon . During my years in pasture I was very aware of of xp11 and p3d but neither of them inspired me to even have a go at them . Msfs2020 as already stated reignited a fire in me that had burned out years ago and im glad it did . As for the flight model rivalry I couldnt care less . Fly what you like best and enjoy it , because as recent world events have highlighted you only get one go at life and it can be taken from you in a heartbeat . MSFS2020 can only get better so thats where Im staying . Happy flying boys and girls . Dazza
  10. Andy if you are still around Iam trying to find my friend Jon who joined Danair virtual . No idea what his surname was but he loved online flying and im trying to track him down . Any details you have of him would be great . Daren
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