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  1. My apologies, you are right, too costly. Don't bother, thanks for looking anyway.
  2. To put the Text Definitions in order but it is not necessary everything does work fine without that capability. I just thought it might be nice to have.
  3. Would it be possible to add change text definition sequence with “Layer Up/Down” buttons as is done in "Image Definitions"? for the MultiGauge in the Stream Deck plugin?
  4. Wouldn,t ya know it!
  5. Sure would be nice if JustFlight would let us have the latest version. I am waiting to use some B: and IE: variables and events. It is Monday!
  6. Install worked fine here from my download on Justflight, no virus detected with Windows Defender either. Also, I had raised a ticket on their support site a few days ago and the response was instant via email.
  7. OK, thanks for that. I did get mine from Justflight a few days ago. I just checked 4.30 b12 has been there since 4 July.
  8. I have not seen a change log for this latest version. Did I miss it somewhere?
  9. Thank you for your quick support!
  10. While programming a Text definition for a Multigage on the StreamDeck I noticed there is no option for an IE: Visibility Variable in the dropdown. Will this be a possibility in the future? Thank You...
  11. I stopped and restarted AAO and now it is working, sorry for the inconvenience. I have found in the past that sometimes this is required in order to get things working with MSFS.
  12. BeechCraft D18S with the Mod from flightsim.to
  13. Is it possible that the below Bugfix may have affected the ON/OFF Button Profile on the Stream Deck? Previously this was working, but now only the ON portion works the OFF does not respond. Bugfix: MSFS: event selection: Test with 0/1 not working for MSFS Input Events Example: Write Event: IE: ELECTRICAL_Battery_1 ON Value: 1 is working to turn on battery. However: IE: ELECTRICAL_Battery_1 OFF Value: 0 is not working to turn off the battery as it did before.
  14. Could you provide more information on what this is and how we would use it with perhaps an example? Thank You...
  15. This script works perfectly for toggling the door open or close. Latest Honda Jet 2.0 1·(L:HJET_EXIT_OPEN,·Bool)·-·(>L:HJET_EXIT_OPEN,·Bool) Assign it to a button (Joystick, XTouch etc...) or make it an On/Off for the Stream deck. There is a spreadsheet with all the current bindings for the HJet available on FlightFX Discord Server under #hjet-important-information Hope this helps.
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