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  1. At slow speeds and to keep the helicopter straight yes.
  2. I just realise i'm sounding soft but hopefully ya'll can hear me clearly
  3. Hey guys so with Active sky 16, or any weathr addon like fsrealwx or even if i did a custom or preset weather scene within fsx i get the same result. If I am flying a Helicopter i cannot turn, takeoff or land without being blocked from doing so, its like putting maxing input but what ever weather setting is set it doesnt want to turn. I have no idea how to fix this and its very confusing to explain so below is a link to a video showing whats goin on for better clarification. Also I never used to have this problem, currently using FSX + Acceleration and used on windows 7, 8, 10 and 11 and same issue. Any suggestions and help appreciated. Andre.
  4. Good day folks, any idea what's up with the ODG offshore rigs project, I visited their website today and apparently it's down. For 5 years now I've been trying to create an account on their website to download the UK and US offshore rigs but no luck. Just wondering if anybody knows how to get around that... Or has a copy willing to share providing it's not Payware. Default rigs get boring after a while haha!!! Andre
  5. Ok would try FS developer soon, been trying to create a account to post on the forums but no success in that somehow.
  6. Hello Everyone, So, I had installed the Sikorsky S76A by George Arana and Aw139 by Carlo Palacio, both uses XML tools and I get a CTD with it. FSX asks on startup, to run the file I like yes, it asked again when i select any of the aircrafts that utilizes it and boom sim crashes. I have read other forums, and nothing worked. I tried checking the event viewer and had no logs, download VCredist 2010 that also did not work, tried movcing the XMLtools.dll still nothing. I haven't tried running FSX as admin cause if I do GSX would not start so I don't run as admin, would give it a try though although I doubt very much it would work. So anyone had this issue and knows how to solve it?
  7. Nope running FSX box with sp1 and sp2 Flight yesterday I did I got no glitches non what so ever. So I guess GSX and that missing line solved it. Hopefully that was the problem and not something else, haha.
  8. hi no, only addons i installed have. Yesterday I deleted my cfg and let fsx regenerate one, reinstalled my addons and added this line HIGHMEMFIX=1 from a gsx fourm i was reading and also ran the universal installer. Somewhat that fixed gsx issue but during that testing i have not scene the glitchy thing happening, i am right now about to run a flight again and see if that actually solved it.
  9. Hi everyone so when I had just factory reset my PC and reinstalled FSX, but i get these weird glitches that I can't explain. My first thought it Could of been GSX cause some of GSX objects go invisible but with it disable the glitches still appear no matter if its a freeware, payware or default scenery or aircraft. here video link hopefully someone can Identify the issue. https://drive.google.com/file/d/1iKvPob_-D0F1mR0Dl2Q08QjS4MLdGb-v/view?usp=sharing
  10. Alright folks, Scott I tried what you said and also changed my weather to be loaded directly from simconnect instead of FSUIPC and that did the job NGX not sure for airbus but ill try that one later but for now lease it working fine on the NGX. thank guys. image1 image2
  11. Exactly!!!. Ok so I will check the weather engine and report back tonight to see if that's the issue I have some other things in mind that I would check also.
  12. Yeahhh it's set to Indicated that the weird thing about it.... Definitely ain't my weather addons cause it was fine before that, I use FSrealWX and AS2016.
  13. Hi all, so the issue is very difficult to explain maybe if y'all see it y'all me have a better idea so I going to try my best to have it written well. So I have been flying with PMDG 737NGX for FSX and all my airspeed reading where correct cruising at .79 which is roughly around 484kts... I recently installed the Aerosoft Airbus a319-21 first couple of flights have been successful but as of recently it's all messed up, when cruising with both aerosoft and pmdg + other freeware airplanes my plane would try to cruise at a slow speed so on the autopilot panel it will say .80 Mach speed but on the pfd I'm am literally slowing down and going .45 which is very odd and sometimes disconnecting the auto throttle helps no little so I am very sure it may be the Airbus but at the same could be something else. So far I'm yet to find the issue but I am going to attempt deleting the FSX folder in %appdata%/roaming/Microsoft/fsx and see if that works . If anyone has any other suggestions or why this is happening please leave something below this would be very great full. Thanks in advance. Also I'll post some pictures later to show what I mean
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