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About albe06

  • Birthday April 24

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About Me

  • About Me
    Utilisateur de FS1 (1983 - Tandy TRS-80) puis évolution jusqu'à FSX
    Interruption de quelques années (raison professionnelle)
    Retour à la simu au début de ma retraite
    Passage sous Prepar3D (V4.5 actuellement)

    Dernière activité professionnelle : Prof d'informatique dans une école nationale.
  1. In fact, after activating an airport, you can display its procedures. Here are the ILS 15 for Birmingham : (sorry, french version) For CEDAR third column shows 2 500/B 185 : meaning altitude 2500ft, speed Below 185kt IAF : initial approach fix :name CI15, Above (or equal) 2 500ft Then FI15 (Final Approach Fix) alt Above or equal 2 500ft CRS/HDG 146° Hope this helps
  2. Hello, on ILS Airport charts, you'll see an horizontal line before the descent begins. It's the altitude of GS interception. Habitually 2000ft above ground for 3°slope. Remind that, for the Auto pilot in approch mode, you must be under the interception altitude so that the Auto Pilot takes command of descent. If you are too high the plane will remain at the same altitude and go over the airport... On this chart, the interception alt is a bit higher at 2500ft due to security limits. The interception point is D6.7, max speed 185kt Take care of current AIRAC cycles (today : 2208) If you want make fine approaches, NAVIGRAPH is the best (even if it is payware but quite cheap for annual choice) Good flights
  3. Hello, it seems to be a bug on the "mark site read" which is always active. By this way, none is displayed. Is that piracy or simple bug ? Here is the code content of the "Mark site read. Perhaps it will help to understand the bug ? <a data-action="markSiteRead" class="ipsType_light" data-controller="core.front.core.markRead" href="https://www.avsim.com/markallread/?csrfKey=9d6d3938abbd314be302a1405d822a64&amp;ref=aHR0cHM6Ly93d3cuYXZzaW0uY29tL2ZvcnVtcy90b3BpYy82MTc5OTMtdW5yZWFkLWNvbnRlbnQtbm90LXdvcmtpbmctc3VuZGF5LTQtMjQtMjIvP3RhYj1jb21tZW50cw==" data-ipstooltip="" _title="Mark all content on the site as read"><i class="fa fa-check"></i> Mark site read</a> Cordially
  4. Sorry, gentlemen, all this is named PHISHING and is piratery. This explains AVSIM can't make anything efficient to stop it... Never click on these links and look carefully the answering adress...
  5. Hello all, for some days now, Libertysim.net doesn't respond. The site seems to be down or out of net. Is there someone among you who had the same problem ? (on a very old post, it was question of Facebook ???) Hope this is a termporary bug for I found it interesting to follow. Good flights for you ! Albe06
  6. Hello no doubt that MSFS is a x-box game, not really a simulator. Don't expect more from M$oft & Asobo!
  7. Hello, I use SPAD-neXt script panel to drive such events. The data below are a sample possibly varying with plane (especially LVAR) Create a new event in a free row/col of the script panel. In the conditional area, compare PLANE ALTITUDE versus GPS CRUIZE ALT (or equivalent upon the FMC or GPS used by your plane) The action to execute is Change Button light DEVICE : Multi Panel TARGET: Glideslope / reverse approach CHANGE LIGHT TO : Longmode ON (flash 1 time per second) IMPROVEMENTS : * Depending on the available data (LVAR, LOCAL, FSUIPC, SimConnect ...) the cruising altitude can be retrieved from the GPS / FMC variables * To avoid repeated triggering of the script above the altitude, an ALERT_CRUISE_ALT expression can be defined which becomes positive when the aircraft's altitude is greater than GPS_CRZ_ALT and less than (GPS_CRZ_ALT + 10). In the panel script, the condition becomes "IF ALERT_CRUISE_ALT equal 1". This should also work with other interfaces. Have a good flight!
  8. Hello all P3D pilots ! Today, a p3d V5.3 is available for download (with the corresponding SDK) Download done (30Gb!) but not yet installed. Seems to be graphically very interesting (weather, PBR, dynamic lighting...) CARE : the update from V5.2 to V5.3 needs to replace content and scenery, not only the client. It's possibly announces compatibility problems ? Wait and see... Good flights
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