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About AeroMaster12

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  1. Correct, as @somiller has mentioned. This is a limitation of the MSFS SDK unfortunately. More details here: AI Traffic - all have issues but one option is acceptable - Page 5 - Microsoft Flight Simulator (2020) - The AVSIM Community
  2. I think this is a separate issue. The light flickering bug started for me after upgrading to 7.8.4. Things were working fine for me on 7.8.3 and prior
  3. Agreed, I think the lighting bug was introduced in the build that fixes a longstanding SimConnect bug (not sure what it is though; not described in the change log). Just speculation; but it seems like every SimConnect call resets the light state, then applies the light state, creating the flickering effect Unfortunately it’ll be in this state until the 30th when Nico’s back. It would really be nice to have the ability to have two rings of versions (beta and production) so that we can rollback in times like this rather than relying on forward fixing.
  4. Ahh you know what, I somehow had turned on "Prioritize" at some point and had just left it on. I think this was causing conflicts and excluding some of the SKW liveries even though they were installed and are referenced by AIG. Disabling prioritize gives me the correct liveries from what I can see. Thanks for your time, and sorry for the noise!
  5. Tried that but it didn't solve the problem. I've also removed my learned file. Here's what I see on first try after everything is cleared: All of these aircraft needs to be an Alaska E75L livery, either SKW or QXE. Somehow, the United and Delta SKW aircraft are being injected in the "C/Q" gates which should be SKW opr ASA Here are the log entries for all of the SKW aircraft injected on this run. You will see that some of these registration codes "ending in SY" are not using the correct livery that is defined in the AIG_Regcodes file (defined in the original post and reproduced below) Alaska Skywest Registration codes: <livery title="AIGAIM_Alaska Airlines Embraer EMB-175 New WL - opb SkyWest Airlines" reg="N170SY,N171SY,N173SY,N174SY,N175SY,N176SY,N177SY,N178SY,N179SY,N181SY,N182SY,N183SY,N184SY,N185SY,N186SY,N187SY,N188SY,N189SY,N191SY,N192SY,N193SY,N194SY,N195SY,N196SY,N197SY,N198SY,N199SY,N400SY,N402SY,N403SY,N404SY,N405SY,N406SY,N407SY,N408SY,N409SY,N410SY,N411SY,N412SY,N413SY,N414SY,N430SY" /> s://snipboard.io/n2qiSk.jpg
  6. After the update, on the first launch - I got the two error popups on files not found. Application popup: PSXT.exe - System Error : The code execution cannot proceed because libcurl.dll was not found. Reinstalling the program may fix this problem. Application popup: PSXT.exe - System Error : The code execution cannot proceed because SimConnect.dll was not found. Reinstalling the program may fix this problem. When launching it on a second attempt and thereafter, it loaded fine
  7. Hey Nico, I'm noticing a regression in model matches for regional airlines in the USA (mainly Skywest - which operates flights for Delta, United, and Alaska). Despite the AIG regcodes defining which livery to use based on registration number, PSXT doesn't seem to be honoring this. Are you able to repro? Consider all tail numbers belonging to Alaska Skywest Incorrectly injected aircraft according to Log.txt
  8. Was gonna suggest exactly this 1) first, check if registration matches 1:1, if not 2) check first three characters (strip the _, assume it’s the airline code). If airline code is not in dictionary, fallback to PVT Thanks again for the interim rollback, and for your future efforts on aligning this
  9. Seeing the same thing. I think the ingested data from the data provider isn't serializing the aircraft's registration code and instead injecting it as a flight number where an aircraft's registration is suppsoed to go. So I'm getting a bunch of random PVT aircraft at gates where they're not supposed to be: Impacted entries from DomonicDesign's KIND
  10. Love this, thank you!! I've seen several other threads complain about the impossibilities of statics without RT - now this is no longer an issue; I hope to see these folks take advantage of this feature for static aircraft, and hopefully that benefit converts to future subscriptions. Thanks again for considering this.
  11. +1 - I can finally disable my handcrafted one! Awesome news and update - thank you Nico and Balt!
  12. This is a great boost, and assuming this is partial on new data, hopefully we'll see even better data once Week 23 posts. Thank you for the update! Curious if you're able to determine the average QF of the same 6806 airports between week 20 and [22 | 23]; you'll get a better aligned comparison that way.
  13. FPS is dependent upon how strong your graphics card is, and its ability to handle rendering planes, not the program that injects it. If you're comparing FPS on rendering only FSLTL models between FSLTL’s Injector and PSXT, FPS is negligible because it would only come down to how many planes are rendered. PSXT has built in logic to cull airplanes outside a certain radius, so you can control the limits of how many aircraft spawn around you. The fewer you have, the higher your FPS is
  14. Anthony - are you actually storing your repaints in the "temp_repaints" folder? Usually that's a temporary location for repaints to be installed by the AIG TM program. Check that folder manually - it's probably empty? You should be pointing it to your AIG install path, which should be <MSFS Path>\Community\aig-aitraffic-oci-beta
  15. No, the program first checks if you have an RT subscription. If not, it will throw an error and stop working. You have to have a subscription if you want to use PSXT
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