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Everything posted by FormulaJet

  1. Looks very arcadish, and probably very easy to play with an Xbox controller, not good for me.
  2. Great stuff! Thanks, Love flying your Bus I have done thousands of hours with it and still can’t get enough. I really really Hope you’re secret project is the a340-300 it would be so cool to do long range with Fenix quality!
  3. Overall I find this A310 pretty good and an excellent addition to MSFS, just got some issues getting my Virpil throttle calibrated on the EFB with rev thrust and idle gotta do some research first. Imported a simbrief plan without navigraph sub and did a 10 hour flight across the pond from KJFK with full traffic and MP, got around 30fps there. during flight at cruise I got 45-50 fps. taxiing feels good it turns as you would expect. takeoff is a bit unstable compared to xp11 but it still feels nice, kinda heavy and long roll although I was close to MTOW and at landing, it feels quite smooth and precise, very easy to butter. Increasing Simrate to 4x seems fine but sometimes/occasionally the auto throttle goes bonkers and locks on full thrust, pressing the athr button again resolves it. At 8X it follows the path but wobbles up and down by 500-1000feet so I didn’t try 16x, the PMDG 737 can follow the whole flight plan waypoints at 8X even 16x for me while still being smooth and “on rails”. But I am pretty happy with this plane, an old Airbus that has similar systems to Boeing is quite unique and I can’t wait for the other variants. .
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