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Everything posted by ifred

  1. Probably the best addon-airport that was ever done. Nice visuals, almost no performance drain, correct taxiways - wow. I am VERY impressed.
  2. That´s live now. Including readback enforcement.
  3. Well, "gamification" is interesting. We have a very big team right now, so yeah - it´s very possible that we deliver some features (like progressive taxi / taxi path) that have nothing to do with the core development (traffic and terrain). As an example I got this question via DM today: "Why concentrating on taxi arrows/progressive taxi while you still dont have traffic implemented". When you want to implement traffic, you have to inject things into the sim. Once that was figured out, and thanks to our TaxiTuner-Technology, it was pretty clear that the visualization of the taxi path can be done by injecting an arrow into the sim. It was not a very complicated thing to do (and the taxi-data was already there), and is now one of the more popular features. We had everything there, we just had to combine it. Same goes for cabin crews. With AI-tech it´s not too complicated to create those and it can be done without having a developer involved. I had a lot of fun doing it over the last weeks.
  4. We can discuss weather problems in a separate thread since it would derail this one in my opinion.
  5. I can give you my personal opinion regarding the weather: If there was only one source available that will guarantee that the user and any of the third party tools (all atc, all weather injectors, cloud painters, name it) will have the same weather source at the same time - then 90% of all those problems would be solved. My personal hope is that there will be some kind of solution with FS2024. The problems having weather out of sync starts (and do not end) with: - availability/uptime/reliability of service providers - 3rd party tools with certain settings ("dont inject when on the ground" for example leads to sync problems) - METAR/ATIS being interpreted differently "because we know better") (etc.) All that is causing problems. And I may have missed others. Thats the problem we all have to deal with especially if we want to give the users maximum freedom when it comes to weather / time settings. One weather source that is reliable for the users and also accessible for third party, while covering ALL weather and turbulence settings, will be the solution for it. Perferrable one which is 100% compatible to the simulation you use. (Well - this post has a lots of opinions in there and is not necessarily the view of my colleagues at SI, so I want to point that out).
  6. The official announcement regarding ActiveSky is posted a couple of posts above yours. We are not dropping it, we are leaving it at the current state. So if it was working for you, nothing has changed. We are in talks with the developer and trying to find out what causes the massive amount of support cases created by the combination of AS and SI, wherever the cause may be. News to follow when we have them. The rest of your post is 100% speculation.
  7. We will see. I would not be suprised if that topic is solved during the next week or two. You are wrong - and that´s all I am allowed to say 🙂
  8. Well, it depends on how you control the LLM. This is obviously way beyond the "basics" you can get from youtube tutorials or other sources. I am glad to work with a team of passionate AI developers that are doing this since years (and on a professional level), so - without any offense - your first sentence does apply to standard-usage of AI, but certainly not for professional level AI. We are not talking ChatGPT for end users here. And while the price for voice generation in the AI world has dropped for everyone, we have plans to do even more on that department. I may be able to show you what AI really is able to do - it´s in german, but it does the trick. For the english users: I am sitting at a runway in EDDB and telling the crew to announce several delays due to several reasons. I made one up which is totally not Aviation related - and you may want to hear to what AI made out of it. And yes, this was live, everyone can just download the client for free and test that themself. Right now.
  9. Define "flawlessly". In my opinion its working flawlessly, since a couple of weeks already. That doesnt mean that we are not fine-tuning it, or being in talks with NG to get better data to make it even better than it is. But when you mean something like "I file my simbrief-flightplan and go" - yes. You might even get a change to the Arrival due to weather/wind changes and it will work "flawlessly". You can also tell your cabin crew to announce a delay due to weather or whatever reason comes to your mind. So the answer is: In my opinion yes. But I am certainly not "neutral" here to be honest.
  10. Hi, with progressive taxi, new cabin crews and all that now we get the copilot. See it in action here: AI Co-Pilot Demo - Available Soon - The Future of AI Air Traffic Control (youtube.com)
  11. Live traffic ends exactly in the same moment the player starts interacting with it.
  12. Hi, I think its worth a note or two that SayIntentions now has a "HowTo"-Series on their youtube channel. It´s also worth mentioning that during the last couple of weeks many features like IFR-Approaches including STAR-(via)-Arrivals have got a nice overhaul so that you can have nice gate-to-gate-experience (yes - I said gates - including gate assignment for airlines) with SayIntentions now. Have fun!
  13. You should always check for addons causing the stutters. FSLTL, GSX are (at least for my configuration) the top causes for stutters on final. Sometimes its an outdated scenery/airport, or the BING Map-Addin. AutoFPS does not help when it comes to spawning objects in the vicinity (like GSX and FSLTL are doing), and also has no measurable impact when using frame generation / DLSS and GSync.
  14. Regarding the money they are making right now with the integration of AI-Services into Azure I would say that the Flightsim community is their lowest priority.
  15. The sound is absolutely unacceptable.
  16. And for people that hate talking to other people we have Sayintentions. I am looking forwared to the raytracing part. I am just thinking that we will never be able to buy any hardware that will make this thing running smooth at 4k in the next 4 years 🙂
  17. Just for the records: Huge pricedrop for Sayintentions.AI 19,95 $ / mo 18,50 € / mo 195 $ / year 185 € / year and of course for the german people:
  18. Do you really think its fixed by faster hard drives? Why dont we experience those stutters on takeoff?
  19. I have done a short video on how to make taxiway renaming in Sayintentions taxi tuner. A german video is also available on the channel. I edited the missing taxiway data of LOWS on the fly.
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