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FS2004 wish lists..........

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To start with, its around about now where we should all be stating our opinions regarding what we'd like to see improved in the next version of Flight Simulator.Here's just a few of mine:Improved ATC which respond to exact procedures covered in the real world ie. entering holds, avoiding CBs/thunderstorms etc, PAR (i think this is right ;) )The creation of better weather systems that include fronts, and weather systems blending into one another eg. 4/8 oktas to 8/8 (instead of the click of the fingers changing of weather lol)Getting rid of those blurries and improving the graphics engine.Creating lights e.g apron lights, that reflect onto a/c and building surfaces. Also for a/c NAV lights to reflect of the ground during darkness.As part of an improved weather system, the system should be able to change the appearance of the ground textures eg. they go darker when beneath a thunderstorm cloud and general clouds (simulating cloud shadows). If it has been raining, ground textures become darker and if like concrete, become reflective (due to the presence of water on the surface).Simulate different runway conditions for different weather ie. wet runway = an increase of landing distance and braking required.3D clouds that visually look like REAL clouds and turn into a misty effect as you fly through them (note program FLY!).Heat shimmering behind enginesDirt/vapour that is thrown up into the air due to the reverse thrusters and full throttle (immediately after lining up on a runway) being applied.Squall/rain shows that have different precipitation densities as you fly through them.Animated road networks (increasing the realism of flying above ground @ night).Animated trees/people.A weather system that randomly produces different shapes of clouds and random weather to approximate times. A tool which would be great with this would to be able to open up a window displaying METAR/TAF info displaying TRENDS, BECMG etc, that could be used prior to departure and so a pilot could actually plan his/her flight to what the weather conditions are expected to be like in e.g 2 hrs from original observation.Simuate Icing forming upon wings and a/c systems eg. a drop in RPM due to icing in Carburettor.The sky to have a better realistic appearance ie. light blue @ the surface blending into darker blue higher up. The same applying to dawn and dusk colour effects (NOTE: see FLY2!)The use of Temperature inversions (haze up to a limited altitude), producing a dirty (very light brown) appearance due to dust/smoke in the lower atmosphere.erm ......Can't think of any more @ the mo, i'll leave that to you.Hope you liked my ideasWill

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I would love to see a pitch black sky when flying over islated areas at night. In fs2002 I think the sky is not dark enough. It has a blueish purple image to it and as far as I remember when flying at night and looking out the window....it's really dark. Another cool feature could be AI traffic with variying takeoff distances according to their destination. Like in real life. Well I'm of to work. Sigh......

Guest CapnCol

How about the option to upgrade FS2002 with the relevant bits thus keeping all downloaded scenery, aircraft, etc, etc as I do not want to have to start again now that I have things as I like.Colin

Guest Muppet22

Weather model is #1 for me! It needs great improvement.


With each new FS variant we're seeing more and more in the way of realism; autogen, water FX, lighting, increased AI, ATC, etc. With each new technological advance I'm amazed. Things are moving so fast now that what appeared real to me a short time ago in one sim doesn't any longer. All these things you mention will arrive at some point I'm sure. It's just a question of time. If we're looking for an exact and indistinguishable facsimile of God's earth however, we might have rather a long time to wait. We might even need devine help in creating the computer to run it. We can now fly anywhere, without boundry, in anything we like, at any time. IMHO what the combined talents of Microsoft and 3rd party developers have already given us is simply astounding ! I'm sure, even with absolute photo-realism in all areas of a flightsim... Some will find a fault. It's in our nature... I'm content to enjoy what I have in my hands now and patiently look forward to what's on the horizon for us next...AFOX :-)


When it comes to what we dislike in FS2002 and what should be changed in FS2004, I wonder that nobody ever mentions these terrible, repeating scenery textures you get, when flying at high altidudes. The landscpe looks like a tastless wallpaper with boring repeating pattern and not realistic at all.People complain about clouds, roads etc., which do not look realistic enough in FS2002 - but compared to the scenery textures seen from high altidutes, the default FS2002 clouds look just perfect.And please don't tell me that it would be too data extensive to change this.Wolfgang


I wrote a whole nine pages to M$, but currently I think the flight dynamics is absolutely #1 for me. This is primarily a FLIGHT simulator, which means for me we should have realistic flight models. I know many of you might disagree and say "... but scenery is more important for a flight sim" etc. Yes that's true, but for ME it's the flight dynamics what makes a sim really a FLIGHT sim.Just my 2 centsEtienne


CFS3's clouds (though hopefully they'll be taken significantly further for FS 2004, with all kinds of varieties possible).LOMAC's ultra-realistic terrain and cockpit interiors.IL-2's sun.Exteriors on downtown skyscrapers that look more like the real thing.Solid roads.Fuller trees.And a geographic map view to go along with the current map view.


The VC is a waste of effort...I never use it and dont find a use for it at all and it slows down the process of releasing MSFS/.I would like to see some work go into textures around the Airports....grass...concrete...taxilines. There are many airports that could use drastic makeovers...KSAN..KJFK...KDEN and yes even KGEG...I think the MSoft team got lazy.And get rid of the basic edition and just have one edition and one price. http://www.flightsimnetwork.com/dcforum/Us...9d503cc53ab.jpg


>I would like to see some work go into textures around the >Airports....grass...concrete...taxilines. I fully agree with the above. I don't know what it takes to design these elements, but the current textures are easily identifiable to me as "computer-generated" when I see them, and I often wonder if there are some sort of technical obstacles to creating solid-looking, stained tarmac. Perhaps it's a frame-rate issue.On the subject of the VCs, that's all I used when they came out since the fast panning seemed a lot more realistic in its perspective than the old "snap" views. And I think I've read at some point that they're planning to use the VC exclusively in the future. Personally I find the current 2D/VC system confusing.


I prefer the VC, too. With the right zoom setting, it's the most realistic view out of an airplane there is. I should think that anybody who is a RW pilot would not want to go back to 2D. At least I don't! I have been using VC for years in F22 ADF & TAW. The lack of a VC was my biggest complaint for 2k, and its presence alone was sufficient to move me from 2k to 2k2. So they better keep VCs!For me, the biggest shortcoming of 2k2 is the weather. I have FSMeteo, a great addon, but persistence is what's lacking. If I'm moving into an area of changed cloud coverage, decks, CB's, I want to see the clouds around me stay as they are, so that I move into the changed area, rather than have things change all over the world instantly. I should think it would be relatively easy to have FSMeteo look farther "ahead" along a flight track to get the WX in that area and have it waiting for me. For me, that would be pretty ultimate!We also need a bit of intelligence applied to the METARs auto-generated by machine - they only show clouds up to 12K'. So you often have the situation of flying under clear blue & sunshine while snowing, when the real WX is snow from scattered & broken layers above 12K, up to a 25000' overcast. The TAF and FA needs to be taken into account, as well, to provide those layers when the METAR fails to do so. I'd also like to not see a band of blue sky in the distance, peeking around the edges of the overcast limits.Weather effects being seen on the ground would be next, rain & snow and reflective puddles on the runway would be too cool for this fool.MS will have to raise the bar in the realism area, for me to bite again so soon after 2k2.As far as frames go, hardware advances should solve that problem without help from MS. We'll all be using 4GHz / 1G RAM machines should be, if not common, at least not UNcommon, by 2k4's release. We'll be ready. --BeachComer Stephen "Beach" Comer Real World Pile-it Commercial ASMEL, Instrument Airplane 4500 TT, 2500 BE20 & BE10


One of the best features of FS2002! After using it for a while, flying alone with 2D-panels becomes unrealistic and boring! The best thing is a combination of both, 2D and VC.Wolfgang

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