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Guest Ken_Salter

Part II: What do you do in "Real Life"..when you aren't simming?

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Hi.. I'm 32, been simming since FS5 out of Meigs Field.. I'm a Civilian Firefighter-Driver/Operator at Kirtland AFB in Albuquerque, NM, Displaced from Duluth, MN. Nearly 12 years in the Military, 8 in the Navy, almost 4 in the MN Air Natl. Guard. Long time girlfriend moved here with me and our 3 dogs. She tolerates my flight simming but protested when I bought a 55" 1080p 240hz TV for my office as a monitor. (she said she'd never get me out of here..) -Damien

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Name is Mark, I'm 45 and have been in an out of simming since our first Apple IIe. I am an active airband scanner enthusist including both VHF and HF voice, HFDL, and ACARS. I was raised in Tucson so am lucky enough to be a big time fan of the Pima Air Museum there where you can actually touch some of the real aircraft we sim with. Just makes it all the more real. In real life, I am a 48 state OTR trucker pulling both dry and refrigerated freight. I usually fly during my 10hr breaks, when sitting in customer's docks etc. I like to fly out of the nearest local strip to where ever I'm parked. Simming is the one "game" well, not a game but you know-that I can play. No levels, no seceret moves, no gathering of resources like all those other computer games. It's just flying. It's as real was one wants to get with no pressure (unless suffering cabin depressuration at FL330 on a 737-500) 73-Mark

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Hi all, my name is Claudio im 23 years old, from Brazil, living in germany worked as a fireman, now working as a flight attendant, and im doing my ATPL pretty soon after im done with my ppl. Started flightsimming with the good old 95 out for meigs with the good old cessna ;)

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25 here, student of political sciences in germany as well as part-time job with the ambulance service. Been flying since FS2000 but really "learned" it in the past 5 years.

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