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An idea

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Okay, easy specification. Build Earth and cover it with basic textures, the oceans and atmosphere. Populate it with basic airports and "cities" (all that data can be pulled from existing sources speeding up the process greatly). Then build SDK's for airplanes, scenery and access to ATC and Weather. Then turn the rest of development over to the community and third parties. So to recap...1. Build planet.2. Let community and third parties develop all planes, weather, atc, etc.
OK. Now prepare a fully costed and resourced plan to develop, test, and market it and let is know when you've finished it.

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All those posters who are dissatisfied with flight could get together and:
  1. Write an agreed specification for what the flight simulator they want
  2. Prepare a fully costed and resourced plan to develop, test, and market it
  3. Invest their own money in it, or prepare a business plan and persuade others to invest
  4. Commission a software house, a PR/marking firm etc to implement the plan and develop the new simulator

Surely it would sell so well that they couldn’t lose money on it?

Since the "sim communtiy" is so big and powerfull and willing to spend money. You could get a couple thousand to invest, say $500.00 or $10.00/mo, (acording to the Prepar3d people thats a "drop in the bucket") you would have.1,000,000.00 in capitol. Shouldn't be a problem!! Hire a group of programmers and you would have ya a sim! Piece of cake :) Edited by Barnstormer1

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Since the "sim communtiy" is so big and powerfull and willing to spend money. You could get a couple thousand to invest, say $500.00 or $10.00/mo, (acording to the Prepar3d people thats a "drop in the bucket") you would have.1,000,000.00 in capitol. Shouldn't be a problem!! Hire a group of programmers and you would have ya a sim! Piece of cake :)
I wonder why it hasn't happened?

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OK. Now prepare a fully costed and resourced plan to develop, test, and market itand let is know when you've finished it.
$1500.00 for the game engine. Unity supports full physics, and is being used for an Apache Helicopter simulator in development. http://unity3d.com/unity/licensesOf course that is just the start as the engine will need some modifications, but it takes care of a good portion of the work. Testing and Marketing, well that is a different story because you can spend the skies limit if you wanted! Likewise you could send off a few free press releases, and gain traction with flight sim websites for no or little cost. The point is, that it could be done and it wouldn't take millions of dollars-- but it would take the dedication of a small team working for peanuts with the hope of cashing in at the end.

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That we already have better more comprehensive simulation platforms open to us than the limited in scope MS Flight! game.And they are still being developed for, even after all the years FS9 has been available.Let me know when Flight! has DLC as good as those screenshots.The more serious simulation enthusiasts have way more available than Flight! will ever be able to offer.And the great thing is I already own most of it for both FS9 and FSX, So I think I will leave the Flight! guys in peace to catch their shiny coins.
We have, but this thread was about creating a new and better one - tongue in cheek of course. Edited by simmerhead

Simmerhead - Making the virtual skies unsafe since 1987! 

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We have, but this thread was about creating a new and better one - tongue in cheek of course.
Then why is it under the FLIGHT forum opposed to the FSX forum? Edited by Barnstormer1

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I didn't start the post, but its kinda obvious why it's here...

Simmerhead - Making the virtual skies unsafe since 1987! 

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$1500.00 for the game engine. Unity supports full physics, and is being used for an Apache Helicopter simulator in development. http://unity3d.com/unity/licensesOf course that is just the start as the engine will need some modifications, but it takes care of a good portion of the work.Testing and Marketing, well that is a different story because you can spend the skies limit if you wanted! Likewise you could send off a few free press releases, and gain traction with flight sim websites for no or little cost. The point is, that it could be done and it wouldn't take millions of dollars-- but it would take the dedication of a small team working for peanuts with the hope of cashing in at the end.

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OK. Now prepare a fully costed and resourced plan to develop, test, and market it and let is know when you've finished it.
Nonsense. Just because Microsoft (with its $255 billion market cap) has the money to, as you put it, "prepare a fully costed and resourced plan to develop, test, and market" Flight doesn't mean we should be content with mediocrity or assume that something better is not achievable. Edited by Lawyer+Pilot

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Nonsense.Just because Microsoft (with its $255 billion market cap) has the money to, as you put it, "prepare a fully costed and resourced plan to develop, test, and market" Flight doesn't mean we should be content with mediocrity or assume that something better is not achievable.
Then follow my suggestion and achieve it.

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Then follow my suggestion and achieve it.
You regrettably missed the point. The point, again, is that we don't need to be content with a mediocre product simply because we can't afford to fund the development of an achievable alternative.

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You regrettably missed the point. The point, again, is that we don't need to be content with a mediocre product simply because we can't afford to fund the development of an achievable alternative.
Quite so. You can switch to a better product if one's available, develop your own, or do without.

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Oh you mean the point is it is ok to whine if something does not conform to someone else's need. Thanks for the clarification.The point is if it was that easy for MS to make everyone's dream simulator - someone would have already done it. Don't they have basic economics at law schools anymore?
A perfect example of someone making a personal attack when they discover they are unable to make a valid point. I've read your post a few times over looking for one rational argument worth considering, and I came up empty handed.

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A perfect example of someone making a personal attack when they discover they are unable to make a valid point. I've read your post a few times over looking for one rational argument worth considering, and I came up empty handed.
Agreed and dealt with.

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