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Ground Texture Problem

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I seem to be having a problem with the Maul Landing Challenge 4. The ground texture is loading very slow and I am unable to land the plane properly to complete the challenge.


flying around the area makes the texture load but only slightly, once landed and stationary for about 20 seconds the texture loads further, but still looks very poor, I don't expect the texture to look stunning, but in other areas the textures are much better and load faster.


I've tried different settings (my pc happily runs ms flight maxed).

(sorry if this is posted in the wrong area)


flying around and over the airstrip



trying to land..


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Welcome to the forum. Sorry, we shall need your system specs and all your Graphics Options settings.


Best regards.


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I've noticed this as well. I've noticed this in several recent pictures in various forums. Here for example (lower picture):


I've noticed it at various times and in different places. I believe it's a problem with Flight. I've tried various settings but haven't been able to reach any conclusions nor has anything had much effect.



Jim F.

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Thanx for the welcome.


Win7 64

Intel Duo @2.66

RAM: 6gb

Nvidia GTS450 1gb (ASUS)


MS Flight settings usually all Maxed/High with v-sync.

(Even with low or medium settings the ground texture loads slowly, I have also tried using Nvidia Control Panel and forcing certain settings but nothing seems to really make a difference, sometimes ground textures load fast and fully in places, dense or not. I have no texture problems in other programmes/games/sims ect)

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I had a very similar problem with my ATI card in that Flight could not load the textures fast enough. I had to turn down some of my graphics from Max to High in order to get them to load fast enough even though I had great FPS. FSX also has similar texture loading problems.

Kevin Miller


3D Artist and developer

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Welcome to the forum, Soulvex! I have a better system then yours and I also sometimes see textures loading while flying over them, though not as bad as on your pictures. I think your system simply isn't good enough for all settings maxed out. Even I have to settings on High instead of Max.


MS's flightsims can't really be compared to other games: they work differently and have other priorities when it comes to loading textures and so on. So I'd suggest setting everything to High first and see if that helps. Flight is a LOT better then FSX when it comes to performance but you still have to adjust the settings to the system!

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I experience the same problem as well. Sometimes the full texture doesn't load until after I land.


We were talking about this on a group flight last night. A number of people reported the same problem, some with very high-end systems. The problem is worse in public sessions.


Hopefully MS is working on a fix.

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Guest meshman
I've tried different settings (my pc happily runs ms flight maxed).


If your system ran Flight "happily" maxed out you wouldn't be posting, would you?


Flight renders the same as FSX. There is a little rendering loop sitting inside Flight. Timer starts, Flight works, buzzer goes off and the loop starts all over again. Within that timed rendering loop are priorities. First up airports + autogen and buildings. Next will come ground textures and mesh. They start out at a low resolution and work their way towards sharper resolutions. Over and over it goes.


If a system, such as what you have posted, spends it's time placing maxed autogen and scenery objects that will eat a lot of the rendering loop. Ground textures and mesh start to get sharpened and then that darn buzzer goes off and Flight goes back to placing airports + autogen and buildings, etc. Over and over it goes.


There is no tweak to a .Cfg file to change the rendering loop, nor it's priorities. So you are faced with making decisions as to what is important to you and how things are rendered. Want MEGA trees on a C2D system? Fine, you will get that with Flight. But all those trees will cost you textures and mesh. Want better textures and mesh? You will have to scale back the autogen to allow more time for the textures and mesh to be drawn.


Now if anyone should wonder about airports being drawn first and the blurry nature of this airport in the screen shots, airports are thought of as being SDK derived. This airport is there, rendered for landing, but it's not using one of the SDK texture sets. So the ground rendering gets placed towards the end of the loop, as the visual aspects of the airport are just another texture for Flight to try and render after all the autogen has been placed.


Fly it how you want, but realize there's only so much older hardware can accomplish. And in those situations, it's not a fault of the game if the visuals don't match your expectations.

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Hi Folks



I was going to post this morning,

but got distracted by IRL matters.




Amplifying on what Gibbage and Meshman have posted -


makes the texture load but only slightly,

once landed and stationary for about 20 seconds

the texture loads further, but still looks very poor,


I don't expect the texture to look stunning,

but in other areas the textures are much better and load faster.


I've tried different settings (my pc happily runs ms flight maxed).

No it doesn't ! :smile:


As evidenced by both your above statements and screenies.


Not only have the ground textures not loaded their hi-res MIPs,

but the terrain mesh hasn't fully been resolved.




This is not a problem with FLIGHT,

its a PICNIC.


It's exactly the same as with FSX

where user's increased their settings

beyond their PC's capabilities & currently available resources.




With your hardware

on those GRAPHICS settings -

- May be acceptable to you whilst just bumbling along in Free-Flight.

- They're too high for use in any missions/challenges/jobs.


The mission-engine requires additional CPU cycles.


As such,

you will never achieve this particular Landing Challenge,

as the landing-detection mechanism will fail to trigger.




Tip - Missions & Challenges



- Select LOW

- Click ACCEPT


Your ground textures

will look a damned sight better

than those in the above screenies.




You'll have sufficient FPS overhead

for a fluid controllable flying experience.





Mauna-Kea Honoli is a sloping runway

comprising multiple bumps and dips.


Landing on the lower slopes

will subject your a/c to excessive vertical G's

as you hit/cross/roll-over the bumps & dips.


Land on the very topmost slope,

and roll-out onto the upper flat area, (with tree on LHS).







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Aside from what some posters here said, the Maule landing challenge 4 also seems to be bugged as was noted in the beta site. (the landing trigger area is too small and plane sinks in runway when landing uphill heading 250)






About graphic settings:

Sorry Paul, but LOW graphics settings don’t work for me, at least on the system I am currently using, it has an AMD/ATI HD6570, so I will stick to MED/HIGH on this one.


Here are 3 pics at Mauna Kea-Honolii, RWY 25, free-flight








I'll check the other PC with a GTX560 tonight, where all my challanges have been done on HIGH/MAX

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