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Has anyone ever outrun the cops?

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I've flown 30-40 something clandestine missions, and FWIW here's my guess on how the cop AI generally works: If the heading is too close to a direct heading towards destination, the cops will arrive. They first arrive briefly and go away after a few seconds as a kind of a warning. This gives you a chance to quickly pick a heading that deviates further from the destination. If you don't do this, they will reappear, this time for good. Radios and lights might matter, but I'm not sure. I usually fly with them set normally. Also, I always stay low, so I don't know how altitude plays into the mix.


True -- Flying off-course is the key, and it seems altitude doesn't matter. I just flew another one using my standard plan (90 deg off-course for 10 min, then parallel the base course). I went to 5,000 feet and stayed there the whole way -- never saw the cops. The copilot complained twice when I gained altitude, then stayed quiet for the rest of the trip.


I think MS included the altitude thing just to add a little excitement/challenge into the mix.

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Well, I've flown just a few Clandestines, but at least twice I flew direct, and got no encounters... I flew very low after taking off, and then above water between 10 and 30 ft, at night, all lights/radios OFF.

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We don't have any evidence that lights or radios make a difference. Most of the time I fly a direct course and have little problem. I always fly with lights on as well. I probably only encounter the cops 15-20% of the time, but when I do I always end up getting caught, that's why I was wondering if it was at all possible to outrun them.

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Radio/ lights made no difference for me.


Time for a post, because I tried a very different style of "Clandestine" flight. Tonight I have found a 57nm pirate mission between Kalaupapa & Hana (exactly 1000kgs (sic !), the heaviest cargo I've ever flown in a Maule !). These last time I have disregarded the altitude limit & it just became boring.

So I tried to give me as a goal to stay under 100ft asl, above water it's easy. And I noticed few things :

1/ The destination marker never popped up.

2/ As there were no destination marker and I was able to easily find my route, I took a direct course or not didn't matter (I believe).

3/ I saw the 2 AI planes, the quick warning one about 1/2s, and then 10 miles out from Hana, the labelled police plane. I was on a supposed direct course to Hana, above water (remember, less than 100ft sea level). And the cops plane didn't noticed me I think, it just flew the opposite way for 3 miles, then turned back to my heading slowly (I stayed at the same altitude and did not alter my course for them). I was able to land, with the cops still "chasing" me, they were about 2.8 miles away from me, very slowly gaining. They were still on their way when I stopped the engine and got the points...


My conclusion : the only real sensor that can get you the active and working cops is : flying the direct route. BUT they can't detect you on some situations : under 100ft ; if you quickly land on irregular terrain ; if you put some elevated terrain between them and you, low altitudes (canyons).

Last conclusion, this one if some devs happens to read it : put more challenge into those pirate missions by detecting ground altitude not only from the stressed and stressfull copilot... Let us find intelligent ways of not being detected, by allowing more obvious ways of being caught (lights or radio on, flying over radar detection, flying over big cities or towered airports...), whatever could be in a real clandestine flight !!!

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My grand kids are great GAMERS,and "FLIGHT" is a game..no doubt about it....The Lil nerds know all the short cuts and cheater codes,..using that logic,that nothing is penetrable in GAMEING...How long will it take for some SUPER NERD to crack some codes or something.....If Microsoft wants to invite the challenge of break the law, by Cultivating illicit actions,then why is it not possible to do it to their Game????Will they give awards then??..Like some share of the LOOT!......it would I think the Challenge should be the other way around...Make LAW the hero,and catching crooks the points earned....We have in a FLIGHT a beautiful RV POLICE PLANE....I rather be chasing crooks! :Peace:



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My conclusion : the only real sensor that can get you the active and working cops is : flying the direct route. BUT they can't detect you on some situations : under 100ft ; if you quickly land on irregular terrain ; if you put some elevated terrain between them and you, low altitudes (canyons).

Last conclusion, this one if some devs happens to read it : put more challenge into those pirate missions by detecting ground altitude not only from the stressed and stressfull copilot... Let us find intelligent ways of not being detected, by allowing more obvious ways of being caught (lights or radio on, flying over radar detection, flying over big cities or towered airports...), whatever could be in a real clandestine flight !!!


I've flown literally in the treetops, maybe 30 ft agl, and yet have them catch me. Seems the AI is quite indeterministic, I guess that's a good thing...

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If Microsoft wants to invite the challenge of break the law, by Cultivating illicit actions


Hi don't think that's the idea, but I did email msflight@microsoft.com asking for this type of missions to be replaced by SAR missions in the future. Your idea of playing the Law side also looks very interesting!

Main Simulation Rig:

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Main flight simulator: MSFS 2020... 

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.The Lil nerds know all the short cuts and cheater codes,..using that logic,that nothing is penetrable in GAMEING...How long will it take for some SUPER NERD to crack some codes or something...

Being able to understand how a game is working, or playing the bad guy is not an obligation towards the "dark side"... Gameplay and pixels are not real life hopefully !!

If I had a choice to be Pirate, governor or corsair, I'd certainly pick pirate, "chaotic-good" alignment :D


This "let players be the cops" idea is already in the big suggestion list, as many others activities like being able to co-pilot in the same plane between online players (actually there is NO GAMEPLAY FOR ONLINE USERS TOGETHER that is implemented and offered with Flight)...

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