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Guest 6FingerSays

You are a passenger on a B737-800NG and both pilots are unconscious. Could you land it?

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Guest Calvin39h

I honestly don't know how I came across this old thread, but I would have to say yes. 


I think I could program the plane to auto land... all depending on weather.. wind.. etc.


Loved reading the replies!

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Guest Calvin39h

How many pieces are we allowed?


what do ya mean?

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All systems working on a CAT II/III approach in VMC, sure I know exactly which buttons to push to get her into autoland and let the NG do it herself.  Hand fly?  I can do it quite well in FSX.  But not being used to the feedback, it would all depend on how quickly I could adapt and incorporate the feedback...but I should wouldn't risk 180 souls on it if there were any other options.

Eric Szczesniak

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This topic passed me by but having been given the " kiss of life " and revived I feel I must add that there is a certain amount of arrogance towards Cabin Crews .

Everyone seems to assume that amongst these people no one involves themselves with Flight Simulator ( or just assume that all flight attendants are women ) , forgetting of course that there are also female members on AVSIM ( and other sites ) , just as not all pilots are men . Maybe they just decided not to get involved in a pointless discussion of a situation that will ( hopefully ) never occur .

As for all the " I wouldn't have any problem flying the plane and landing it " , well I hope that you never have to put your life ( and everybody else's ) to the test and prove that you in fact couldn't .

There's a bit more to flying than sitting in a comfy chair and pushing a few buttons , if it wasn't wouldn't we all be up there ?



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Sigh, let's bury this thread once again and hope that it stays dead this time...

Fr. Bill    

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Guest Calvin39h

This topic passed me by but having been given the " kiss of life " and revived I feel I must add that there is a certain amount of arrogance towards Cabin Crews .

Everyone seems to assume that amongst these people no one involves themselves with Flight Simulator ( or just assume that all flight attendants are women ) , forgetting of course that there are also female members on AVSIM ( and other sites ) , just as not all pilots are men . Maybe they just decided not to get involved in a pointless discussion of a situation that will ( hopefully ) never occur .

As for all the " I wouldn't have any problem flying the plane and landing it " , well I hope that you never have to put your life ( and everybody else's ) to the test and prove that you in fact couldn't .

There's a bit more to flying than sitting in a comfy chair and pushing a few buttons , if it wasn't wouldn't we all be up there ?




Why you angry? I think in an emergency situation, I could land it. I may break a few things, But I think I could. I think thats something that PMDG has taught us..

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@Calvin ,

My post was not a reaction to your post and certainly wasn't angry at all .

As I wrote above , I missed this thread when it was " alive " but having seen it in the Hangar Chat , I actually read all 10 pages before I posted . I found that the cabin crew were totally overlooked for the reason I stated above and wanted to add that, nothing more .



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