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John V

Oil Press

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I just bought the Cessna 210. I notice the Oil Pressure is not in the green arc. Does anyone else have the same problem? Is there a fix for it?



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You need to edit the air file with one of the freeware editors to correct this.


Hi, My first question is if I am doing something wrong with my flight settings to cause the oil pressure to be above the green safe area? I can get everything else in the green. If it's not my piloting in error....

I just download an air file editor(AAMV22) and am looking inside the file for the first time. I located the gauge or "544(REC)Engine Oil Pressure" section but am not sure what edit to make to get the needle to be in the green during normal operation. There are three subsections:

(DBL)Oil Pressure Scale Factor, 1

(DBL)Oil Pressure Limit *144 (psi), 8640

(DBL)Oil Pressure Rate of Change, 0.8


I found this info in the SDK:

;Oil Pressure


REAL8 1.000000 ; Oil pressure tuning constant

REAL8 10800.000000 ; Oil pressure max (PSF)

REAL8 0.800000 ; Oil pressure tc


but it looks like this is going to be a steep learning curve at this point in my initial discovery of this new subject. Any help you can send my way would be much appreciated.

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Took mine for a spin and the tooltip tells me oil pressure is 59 which is within normal ops range 30-60 but the gauge needle shows slightly above the green - so I'll get the green repainted at next gauge O/H B) If you want to change it in the air file this is the parameter to play with: "(DBL)Oil Pressure Limit *144 (psi), 8640" - experiment with the last number, lower if the needle is like mine, higher if it's below the green.

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Took mine for a spin and the tooltip tells me oil pressure is 59 which is within normal ops range 30-60 but the gauge needle shows slightly above the green - so I'll get the green repainted at next gauge O/H B) If you want to change it in the air file this is the parameter to play with: "(DBL)Oil Pressure Limit *144 (psi), 8640" - experiment with the last number, lower if the needle is like mine, higher if it's below the green.


Thanks for the info :good: always good to learn new things. I figured out how to repaint the gauges too. Is this the better solution that messing with the parameters in the Air file?


@John V- Sorry for hijacking your thread, just interested in the same thing.

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Good question lilgus :rolleyes: 6 of one, half a dozen of the other perhaps?


As long as you backup the air file (AAM does this auto for you) or the texture you're fiddling with I can't see a problem either way. One thing I've noticed when playing with the air file setting is that the needle becomes a lot more responsive to power settings - haven't found an air file parameter value that'll make it sit on the normal mark yet B)


How'd you paint the guages (hint as to why I fiddle with air files :lol: )?

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I didn't mess with the air file yet because I did not want to make changes that might affect the way the AC's engine responds. Don't know enough about this file yet and what it does. And yes I always back up everything before making changes. It only take one mistake to learn that lesson real fast. :rolleyes: If you do find a number that does work please be kind enough to post it here. The fact that you haven't yet found a number that work's might be why Carenado didn't fix it in their last update, they didn't find it either. I might even sent them an email and see what they say about it. They have always tried to help me in the past.

To fix the paint on the gauge I only somewhat figured it out. I noticed that Bert P always has these great fixes, just got the night lighting fix from him the other day, and wanted to see how he does it. I downloaded a free program called DXTBmp and dragged a copy of the gauges texture .bmp to it. There are two, day and night, in this case Gauges_200.bmp for day and Gauges_200_night.bmp. Once the program opened the file I double-clicked on it and it sends it to your favorite paint program. In there I lassoed the left side of the green mark on the gauge, copied it, moved it to the right side and reversed it. My problem came into play when I saved it in the paint program, it came up as in a temp file somewhere along with the Alpha channel but I didn't know where it was. So I just did a save as, and it works in the AC but didn't save the alpha channel which will probably give me trouble down the road in different light situations. I am going to play with it today to figure out how to save it correctly and with what settings to use. Just like most things in FSX, it takes awhile to figure them out. The best thing is the flight sim forums have a load of info in them on all subjects, answered by some very smart folks. You just need to take the time to search for them or as in this case post a question.

Sorry not a full answer on how to do it but it might give you a start. I used the freeware Paint.net program btw.

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lilgus thank you for that helpful information and I'll certainly give you feedback if or when I find a good air file parameter :wink:

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Hi lilgus,


Thanks as well for your helpful post. I am just beginning to try my hand at doing some VC night lighting fixes, motivated like you, by others like Bert who know how to do night lighting bitmap revisions. In reading your post, I down loaded the freeware DXTBmp and like you opened up the same bitmap you mentioned for the C-210T. At Bert's suggestion, I have a freeware paint program called Gimp. My problem is the DXTBmp cannot find Gimp on my computer; I need to continue to work on that. Again, thanks for your comments.



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Hi lilgus,


Thanks as well for your helpful post. I am just beginning to try my hand at doing some VC night lighting fixes, motivated like you, by others like Bert who know how to do night lighting bitmap revisions. In reading your post, I down loaded the freeware DXTBmp and like you opened up the same bitmap you mentioned for the C-210T. At Bert's suggestion, I have a freeware paint program called Gimp. My problem is the DXTBmp cannot find Gimp on my computer; I need to continue to work on that. Again, thanks for your comments.




I used paint.net to repaint the Gauge. I tried GIMP for the first time the other day and I really did not like it. And when you say that DXTBmp cannot find GIMP, did you set the editor to the GIMP exe?


@John V- Sorry for hijacking your thread, just interested in the same thing.


No problem! :biggrin:

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Hi John,


Thanks for your reply--I did download and install paint.net and will try that. I also signed up for their forum as "repainting" is totally new to me and I have not yet used a painting program.


Regarding setting the editor--no, I just typed the pathway to where the GIMP folder is found in my "Users" directory. It looks like I need to type "exe" at the end?


Thanks again,



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Regarding setting the editor--no, I just typed the pathway to where the GIMP folder is found in my "Users" directory. It looks like I need to type "exe" at the end?


Go to DXTBMP. Near the top it should have the different menu selections. (File, Prefs etc....) Click on Prefs and go down to select editor. Find your folder that says Paint.net (mine was in C: Program files --- Paint.net, I am using windows 7) When you are in that folder, look for PaintDotNet.exe. You select that and you should be all set! B)

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