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GSX/AES not working..then please report it here

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I have problems with AES

I do not recive any wellcome from the ground coordinator untill i press "force to flight mode".

The problem is that i am in full screen and i have no acces.


how can i solve the problem?

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I have problems with AES

I do not recive any wellcome from the ground coordinator untill i press "force to flight mode".

The problem is that i am in full screen and i have no acces.


how can i solve the problem?


When MCE is in Dialog mode, all interaction with any crew member, GSX, AES will temporarily be suspended .


Ideally, MCE should only switch to that mode when one of FSX or P3D Dialog boxes (the type that stops the sim running) is showing.


On very rare occasions, third party add-ons create some dialog boxes that fool MCE into thinking FSX or P3D triggered one.


Vatsim software tends to do that.


The solution....


Go to FSX or P3D installation folder and open "fsInsider.ini" using Notepad.


Ensure "MonitorVatsimPanels=1" and save the file. It's not enabled by default.


That should take care of that. I mean fsInsider will seek to monitor FSInn created and destroyed dialog boxes so that it doesn't go into Dialog mode by accident.


If it's another third party add-on we don't know about, you can try this....


Re-open "fsInsider.ini" and replace "DialogReference=0" to "DialogReference=1" and save.


Restart the sim, and if MCE still goes to Dialog mode, try value 2 instead of 1


You have to restart the sim, every time you edit "fsInsider.ini"

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When MCE is in Dialog mode, all interaction with any crew member, GSX, AES will temporarily be suspended .


Ideally, MCE should only switch to that mode when one of FSX or P3D Dialog boxes (the type that stops the sim running) is showing.


On very rare occasions, third party add-ons create some dialog boxes that fool MCE into thinking FSX or P3D triggered one.


Vatsim software tends to do that.


The solution....


Go to FSX or P3D installation folder and open "fsInsider.ini" using Notepad.


Ensure "MonitorVatsimPanels=1" and save the file. It's not enabled by default.


That should take care of that. I mean fsInsider will seek to monitor FSInn created and destroyed dialog boxes so that it doesn't go into Dialog mode by accident.


If it's another third party add-on we don't know about, you can try this....


Re-open "fsInsider.ini" and replace "DialogReference=0" to "DialogReference=1" and save.


Restart the sim, and if MCE still goes to Dialog mode, try value 2 instead of 1


You have to restart the sim, every time you edit "fsInsider.ini"


Thanks, i will try now. but i want to give you some information more:


I just finish my demo time and i want to decide if i will spend 72€ in MCE

I only use MCE for two things: 


-Perform Checklist

-Use AES with voice


All the other features from MCE are no interesting to me, and are disable.


I use FSX with this programs (all update to last version):







-ASN (network)

-XPAX (network)



The problem is just with the AES ground manager wellcome messege, because i can call for checklist everytime without problems.

 If i touch "FsInsider.ini", can i broke any of my othe fsx aplications? 


Can you set any keyboard key/joystick button for "force to flight mode"? same you did for mute (bloq num), and radio com (DEL).

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I try "fsInsider.ini" to 1 & 2 and it do not work.

I do not have any "MonitorVatsimPanels=1" in the file, i never install vatsim on my pc.




When MCE is in Dialog mode, all interaction with any crew member, GSX, AES will temporarily be suspended .


But i do not have any problem with the checklist, i can call the FO for a checklist without "force to flight mode".

The problem is only for recive the ground coordinator wellcome.

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Thanks, i will try now. but i want to give you some information more:


I just finish my demo time and i want to decide if i will spend 72€ in MCE

I only use MCE for two things: 


-Perform Checklist

-Use AES with voice


All the other features from MCE are no interesting to me, and are disable.


I use FSX with this programs (all update to last version):







-ASN (network)

-XPAX (network)



The problem is just with the AES ground manager wellcome messege, because i can call for checklist everytime without problems.

 If i touch "FsInsider.ini", can i broke any of my othe fsx aplications? 


Can you set any keyboard key/joystick button for "force to flight mode"? same you did for mute (bloq num), and radio com (DEL).


I am guessing you have a hardware simpit that's why you aren't making use of FO with PMDG 737 as that aircraft is fully supported.


It's up to you to decide whether the ability to create your custom checklist and have it read by FO is worth the asking price. For me it isn't

Perhaps if you intend to use Radar Contact or PFE ATC via voice, it would make it worth its salt.


Also, if your simpit is using one of default FSX/FS9 aircraft, the much cheaper MCE Lite Edition would do the job for the checklist. But won't work with GSX, AES or other than Native ATC.


The Ultimate Edition package is excellent value for money, provided you have 3 or more of the 34+ fully supported aircraft and make use of the ATC feature.


The glitch with AES can be overcome eventually, once you provide more info about your various add-ons.


If you only need the checklist be read to you and don't care whether FO is able to check items status or the quality of the audio, there is a free software you can download. It uses TTS voices and just reads checklist and you just reply with whatever, It cannot read anything from the sim. So is basically an audio reminder.


Find out more here



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I am guessing you have a hardware simpit that's why you aren't making use of FO with PMDG 737 as that aircraft is fully supported.


It's up to you to decide whether the ability to create your custom checklist and have it read by FO is worth the asking price. For me it isn't

Perhaps if you intend to use Radar Contact or PFE ATC via voice, it would make it worth its salt.


Also, if your simpit is using one of default FSX/FS9 aircraft, the much cheaper MCE Lite Edition would do the job for the checklist. But won't work with GSX, AES or other than Native ATC.


The Ultimate Edition package is excellent value for money, provided you have 3 or more of the 34+ fully supported aircraft and make use of the ATC feature.


The glitch with AES can be overcome eventually, once you provide more info about your various add-ons.


If you only need the checklist be read to you and don't care whether FO is able to check items status or the quality of the audio, there is a free software you can download. It uses TTS voices and just reads checklist and you just reply with whatever, It cannot read anything from the sim. So is basically an audio reminder.


Find out more here




Thanks for the info, but what i am really interested is in AES support. The checklist is just an extra, i do not care too much.

I have a simpit as you told, and i do not want to push any button for control AES.

If you can make it run with AES i will buy it.

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Thanks for the info, but what i am really interested is in AES support. The checklist is just an extra, i do not care too much.

I have a simpit as you told, and i do not want to push any button for control AES.

If you can make it run with AES i will buy it.


I see you're already a registered member.


While waiting for the AES particular issue to be addressed, I invite you to explore another side of the software that I suspect you didn't even notice due to the short Demo.


For someone to spend that much just for the sake of controlling AES, suggests to me you are irritated by the presence of the keyboard in your simpit. :-)


We have actually developed another tool called Voxkey that allows you to create any voice command (even in foreign languages) and tie it to a particular keyboard combination.


Click Start->All programs-Multi Crew Experience->Tools->Voxkey


Voxkey interface is an editor for the commands you create. When done, just close it.

Commands intended for FSX should go into "FSX Demo.vkp" (which is a Voxkey profile). There should be only one profile per simulator.


When MCE loads, it looks-up those custom commands you created and makes them available for speech recognition, so that when you utter your favorite sentence, a particular key combination will be sent to the sim.


Think Jetway? Voice Command: "Bring-up the jetway" associated to CTRL + J


You can even control other add-ons this way.


It's very likely, you will have almost no use for the keyboard after that.


One caveat, the custom voice commands you create must be different from any existing commands by at least one letter.


Finally, you may not have explored the "FS user interface voice control" feature (the one at the bottom of the General tab in user interface.


While things like "Move seat back quickly", "move seat forward" are no use to you in the context of a hardware simpit (and you can disable the "Views" option in Sim  tab of the UI so these don't work, there is more capability built into the feature.


You could create fancy commands such as "Take me back to my Hub" then create a script (no, not programming at all) that would position aircraft at the airport and gate of your choice.


You could actually relocate an aircraft with a command such as


"Position aircraft at Echo Delta Delta Mike gate one zero one". Because such command is considered possibly disruptive, it won't execute until you confirm with "yes" when prompted.


Your custom "Take me back to my Hub" would act as an alias for the built-in command above.


You can trigger weather change, without touching FSX UI using mouse as you would do. Useful when you are dealing with a Projector not displaying fonts clearly.


If you want me to elaborate further, just let me know..

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Thanks for the information.


About the AES problem.

If you can not solve the problem and you set any shortcut for "force flight mode" i will asign it to the "gound call" button on the overhead panel of the pmdg737 (simpit via FSUIPC). So after press this "ground call" it will "activate" the ground coordinator... not bad at all.

For exemple i set "service interphone"  on the overhead panel  for mute the microphone...


Even you solve the problem (is what i wish) you can set a shotcut for activate the ground coordinator please.


Soon i will try how MCE works with AES on the arrival airport. I have the feeling that i will need to press "force flight mode" again.

In the manual i read about some limitations with AES on arrival airport, what can you tell me more abaut this limitations before i test and report?

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with AES on arrival airport, what can you tell me more abaut this limitations before i test and report?


Currently, MCE doesn't handle the gate selection (after landing). Neither with AES, nor with GSX.

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Currently, MCE doesn't handle the gate selection (after landing). Neither with AES, nor with GSX.


No problem because i do not use the follow me car, but i need to contact ground coordinator for deboarding

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I have problems with the push back with AES

I call the mechanic and i ask for pushback to the left, he answer and AES start to prepare for pushback, but then the AES menu appear again asking for push to the left/right...

even if i repeat the order nothing happend, but if i press F1 or F2 the pushback start.



AES have a few steps for pushback:


-Prepare the aircraft for pushback (F6)

-Request pushback or only clearence (F1-F2)

-Select pushback direction (F1-F2)


For some reason MCE have problems with the last menu.

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I have problems with the push back with AES

I call the mechanic and i ask for pushback to the left, he answer and AES start to prepare for pushback, but then the AES menu appear again asking for push to the left/right...

even if i repeat the order nothing happend, but if i press F1 or F2 the pushback start.



AES have a few steps for pushback:


-Prepare the aircraft for pushback (F6)

-Request pushback or only clearence (F1-F2)

-Select pushback direction (F1-F2)


For some reason MCE have problems with the last menu.


Maybe we aren't in synch


As AES gets updated, you never know when breaking changes are introduced.


What AES version are you currently running?

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Maybe we aren't in synch


As AES gets updated, you never know when breaking changes are introduced.


What AES version are you currently running?


I use the last AES version 2.38. As i told in #78, all my fsx software is updatet to the last version.

Depend the gate AES give you the option to pushback (unly one exit direction) or pushback to the left or right (when you can choose depending in runway configuration/atc instructions), can be this tthe problem?


I never try, but what will hapend if the ground service ask for deicing? Can MCE handle this?


I do many test with MCE for make it run with AES, i tounch many options, and now i complete set up MCE like i would like it run, but maeby something get "crazy".

I will restore to default settings and set up MCE again how i need it to be for my configuration.

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I use the last AES version 2.38. As i told in #78, all my fsx software is updatet to the last version.




Implementation is a bit behind (last tested with V2.36),


By the way, we found out why you had issues with AES in the first place. It's to do with the unusual usage scenario (disabling all MCE features except AES, and maybe checklist). That was never tested before. Now, we can see why you had to "Force flight mode". Nothing to do with unexpected dialog boxes. It's just that when selecting "Force flight mode", you would also trigger other things like read simulator data immediately, at which point MCE starts seeing aircraft on ground and allows AES interaction. Fix on the way before the end of this week.



As for the pushback, are you using option "Keep Mech on push" in "Advanced Options" panel?

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t's to do with the unusual usage scenario





For exemple, all the options  in "COMMAND" work for "CHECKLIST", because is there were you set the voice for the mechanic/copilot, and other important options.

So what i do is set to ON "Real cockpit crew coordination", set the options like I want, then turn off.


Nice that you found this problem!

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