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Homemade high quality but affordable yoke, throttle quadrant and peddals

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This is my and my friend's Zoran contribution to flight sim community !

many times I read about various hardware that you can buy for for your flight sim that costs thousands of dollars LITTERALLY.


ALL this CAN BE BUILT FOR LESS THAN 50 US DOLLARS INCLUDING MECHANICS AND ELECTRONICS and final product is very close or in some segment better that that overpriced controls that you can buy. Every man with average mechanican works ekill and with very basic electrical experience can build this.

many part are those that you can find in your backyard like old horisontal case for pc , water hitter pipes, bike rubber grips, pipes from old washing mashine etc.


This is preliminary homemade affordable high guality yoke, throttle quadrant and rudder pedals. Our friend Bojan has made a custom electronick for our homemade controls. Some of the features are:




- high mechanical quality of all components and very sturdy design

- smooth and responsive controls

- yoke travel length for pitch axis of more than 200 mm ( about 8 inches)

- yoke travel lenght in aileron axis 180 deegres

- sturdy rudder pedals that have 8 inches back and forth movement





- 10 analog axes with 10 bit electrical precision with 12 bit optional possibility

- analog pitch trim control

- 16 digital all purpose buttons and separatelly hat switch control

- custom sensitivity that can affect individual analog axes adjustable throught custom software

- noise free analog axes with posibility of dumping features



JOYSTIK_BY_BOKI S59KB 8 BIT (author of elecronics and programming Bojan Kranjc our big friend from Slovenia)


* Copyright: S59KB Thanks microelectronics, 2013


This is a simple demonstration of 8 Axis, 12 Buttons and Hat Joystick Controller

Possibility of adjusting OFFSET potentiometer USING REFERENCES VREF+ and VREF-

Due to the angle of the potentiometer.

There are opportunities to expand the matrix of buttons

Program to use USB_HID_desc


* Test configuration:

No drivers needed

Tested on WIN_98 operating systems,

Tested on WIN_XP 32_BIT operating systems,

Tested on WIN_XP 64_BIT operating systems,

Tested on WIN_7 32_BIT operating systems,

Tested on WIN_7 64_BIT operating systems,

Not tested on WIN_8 operating systems.


MCU: P18F2550 or any other USB Pic

Dev.Board: EasyPIC5 or any other.

Oscillator: 4.0000 MHz

SW: mikroBasic Pro v 3.2

Here is the link to our friend's Bojan Kranjc and his post on microelectronic site that you can visit and read some additional information and pictures of electronics.




if there is interest for additional details please let me know and i will gladly give you electrical scheme layout, required components (list), code for microcontroller programming etc.


I am waiting for your oppinions

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I would LOVE to see a bill of materials and cost breakdown for this build. I'm having a hard time imagining that I could go out today and buy EVERY part necessary to do this for $50 (I'm pretty sure welders cost alot!) :lol:


Otherwise, nice job! I'm always facinated by the creativity of fellow simmers when it comes to building their own addons (software and hardware).

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This is additional software that is written by Bojan Kranjc that you can use to change individual analog axes sensitivity and enter zoom mode for axes.

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Very interesting post and a worthwhile contribution. Even if it costs double or triple its still cheaper than what I paid for my CH Yoke (I think).....and I have their throttle quad and pedals as well.


Can you do the same for a radio switcher and a bunch of programmable buttons for various things ?

Mark   CYYZ      


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Yes, complete radio panel which is intended for wide variety of aircrafts . There is a software that is written in Visual Basic 6 with fsuipc datarefs. Works in all applications that communicate via fsuipc.Full working also low cost.




At the bootom is touch screen - little display for auto pilot functions, also homemade and programmed.


I can give additional details and advices is someone is interested.

All software is completly free and OPEN SOURCE, you can make it better, it is our contribution to all good people out there.

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Very cool. Not sure I am technically proficient enough to build it but maybe worth a try.

Mark   CYYZ      


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I would love a function on my PC that said "Load Joy"..... Great for those days when you could use a little happiness.

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