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Bug / Fix List

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Before I start, I would like to thank Tom from AVSIM for his quick response in getting this section opened up for us.......


I have just completed my 12 flight hour in this airplane and I can say the FDE is very good. Besides the below listed items, this addon has potential...I do have to make 1 point first. The general operation of this addon when switching between views or panning in the VC is very sluggish. When switching from spot view to VC, the plane freezes for about 2 seconds while the textures load. The TBM with all its glass operates MUCH smoother. Your use may vary but to me its closer to how the Jetprop operated.. I am sure ALOT of code was recycled for the Malibu.


Bugs that I have found:


1) The fuel gauges do not work when full fuel or close to full fuel is added.  I have completed flight where my initial fuel load was 40 - 50 Gal. in each tank and the gauges worked fine. Every time I have added roughly 70+ Gal. They do not work.


2)The green indicators do not work all the time on the lower portion of engine gauges. I do not know how they are supposed to be but I assume they should be green lit when the gauge value is in the normal range and red when not...


3) On the EMIS fuel page. If you go to the load page and set the fuel onboard, it does not register in the fuel page to base the fuel stats off of. For me it always read 30 Gal. This throws off the Gal. remaining at Destination calculation, etc.... BTW - the TBM had the same problem. I told Carenado about it and I do not think they had a clue what I was talking about....But our fellow forum member, Bert, solved the problems..


4)I cant figure out if the EMIS Exceedance functions....I do not think they are functioning at all.


5)Right HSI off by 180 degrees...


6)When Batt turned on from cold and dark, the EMIS should power up... Now it only comes on when the "Radio Power" is turned on...


7)On the heater panel. The fan sound should come on when the "Blower Lo" or "Blower Hi" button is clicked on. Now it only comes on when the "AC" button is clicked.


8)Flight timer on transponder does not function correctly.


9)The click boxes (shift+3) to open the PAX door and baggage door do not function properly. Clicking the PAX door opens the baggage door and clicking the baggage door does nothing..


10)Turning the night lighting switch on should illuminate the heater panel back lighting as it does in the Jetprop. Now it only brightens the indicator panel.


11)When heading towards the sun or towards the sunset during the day, the panel gets very dark..


12)The electric trim switch next to the AP master is inop...This is a crucial function for the AP to control trim. Would have been nice to have modeled. I also noticed that click-able items that are usually click-able are not with this release...such as "Alt Static" switch, cabin heat, etc....



I would like to send Carenado a formal list of bugs so if anyone has something to add, post it..


-Happy Flying



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Add: "Ti" text on cockpit front panel should be "To"..... (look for it, as obvious as "Pilot Heat" on the original FSX Cessna 172.....).

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ADD.. ADF reference card in-op...


I emailed Carenado and they are asking for clarification on this...


Do you mean the Compass Card?


FleetingThought: Added

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I emailed Carenado and they are asking for clarification on this...


Do you mean the Compass Card?


FleetingThought: Added





Yes.. the ADF compass card.. Many pilots (me included) disregard it, and simply, mentally super-impose the ADF needle onto the HSI (or DG).. but it's there, and has a 3D knob, so it might as well work.. :)

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Thanks for cranking up this thread.


A bit more clarification on 5) - As Brett mentions, It's just a simple DG with a compass card, and I'm not sure the real thing would even be slaved.  The "bug" isn't just that it's 180d off, but that if you try to rotate the compass card to properly set it, it does something beyond just rotating the card on that DG, including affecting the autopilot.  It shouldn't.


1 and 3 both seem to be related to the fuel tanks incorrectly holding too much fuel.  Change to 30 per side as cassio_garcia mentions, and those problems go away.  Not that the bug isn't real, just that it's an easy fix to make while waiting for SP1.


On item 2, again per the video that cassio_garcia referenced, this behavior appears to match the real plane.  Oddly enough, though, on the gauges where the green lights work, I notice that tooltips don't and vice versa.  Not a big deal, but worth noting.


Item 11 is pretty subjective.  I actually find this to be one of the better Carenados in this regard.  I did an early evening flight last night almost directly into the setting sun (KPUB, Pueblo, CO to KGCN, Grand Canyon, AZ) and was quite pleased with the panel visibility.  Didn't feel the need to turn on panel lights until almost dusk.  As with my comments in another thread on sound, it's probably best to separate full-fledged "bugs" from enhancement requests.


Thanks again,



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Yes.. the ADF compass card.. Many pilots (me included) disregard it, and simply, mentally super-impose the ADF needle onto the HSI (or DG).. but it's there, and has a 3D knob, so it might as well work.. :)


I used the ADF for the first time last night on a flight out of Bella Coola, BC to Ketchikan, AK, using several NDBs along the route.  Maybe I'm missing something, but the display seems to work fine for me.  I had no problems properly setting the compass card.  Keep in mind, this isn't an RMI.  It's a simple ADF with rotatable compass card, so the compass card is just that and nothing more - it needs to be manually set to your heading, but that's they way its supposed to work.  Can you not set yours?


My biggest gripe for NDB work, as it pretty much always is with Carenado planes, is how hard it is to tune an NDB frequency using Carenado's dubious tuning method.  I wish they'd break down and just make the knobs work like they're supposed to.  Getting the mouse in EXACTLY the right spot to move a digit is difficult in smooth air and miserable in turbulence, which I definitely had out of Bella Coola.


One more for the bug list (or perhaps the silly omission list as it was this way on the JetProp as well) - the ground clearance switch does not function.



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My ADF compass card is inop.. it's always set to 360, not even an indication on the mouse pointer that the 3D knob is there..


The readme says that "clickable" spots that do not work can be fixed by turning off instrument reflections... that didn't fix it either, and I wouldn't consider that fix at all, as cockpit "ambience" is a big part of a good VC..

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My ADF compass card is inop.. it's always set to 360, not even an indication on the mouse pointer that the 3D knob is there..


Huh...  Just triple checked and mine works fine with or without "Instrument Reflections" enabled.  The tool tip reads: "ADF Bearing to Station (xxd)" when I mouse over - which is a bit odd, as I'd expect it to give the compass card setting, not the bearing to the station.  Still, spinning the knob does work as it should.


You might try the old - load up the default 172 or trike - trick before loading the Malibu to see if that helps, but this one seems to be an at least somewhat individualized issue rather than a universal one.  Anyone else see this?



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Good call, tttocs !


Load the C172 first, made it work.. :)


It was a non-issue to me, as I never use an ADF compass card (real or sim).. I've always just mentally superimposed the ADF needle onto the DG/HSI... They aren't very accurate in the real world...


So it was just a "bug" to add.


Now the right-side DG really does "bug", me,, as I like to fly right-seat now and then..

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Excellent.  Glad that did the trick, Brett. 


But yeah, that right side DG issue is starting to really bug me as well.  It definitely has some weird affect on the AP in NAV mode.



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Do you think they (Carenado) could redo the PDF for the EMIS, it is not explained very well.

Richard Spencer




USMC (ret)

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There are a few more problems that I encountered on the Mirage: that timer mechanism with the play button and so on does not work at all. When you click it on that is all that it does. Also, the dimming switch for the panel lights doesn't seem to work either.  Does anyone else get the same thing?

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Interestingly, my AP and Nav display problems turned out not to have anything to do with the right side DG and subsequent fix.  The problem is a strange interaction I'm getting with the Malibu when I enable DHM effects in Opus.  With DHM on, the HSI seems to get wildly off.  I wonder if anyone else is using it when running Opus DHM and seeing problems like I do or if its some strange performance issue on my system.



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