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  1. Upgraded to 6.1.38 with no problem. Screen note says Upgrade successful. However, if I now try to run any mission/scenario in the sim, it immediately crashes to the desktop. Cannot run any scenarios. Any thoughts on this? Thanks.
  2. To Rogen: Could you please explain how you got the MD530 to work with the key. I do not understand your terminology of creating a "junction" point. I made sure the key was in the .ini file and installed with admin rights, but as soon as I try to fly, it terminates P3D with "invalid key". Thanks for your help. I sure would like to get this to work.
  3. Tried to install the MD530F. Used the key on the picture. Program accepts the key to install the helicopter. BUT: when I go to run the helicopter, the screen goes black and then tells me that the product key is invalid. Then nothing happens. Tried on P3DV4.5.11. Any suggestions? Thanks.
  4. I finally got the conversion working with 1.1.12. I erased the worldwide addon and then reinstalled it. After I did this everything started to work. Don't know why this happened. One thing has me really puzzled. If I click on an airport in New Jersey and look at the job board, there are multiple jobs you can fly. I tried one and it worked fine. How is this possible? I thought there would only be jobs for Alaska and Hawaii since I did not think MS programmed more. Once again, thanks to everyone who made this possible. Now if we can get more aerocaches in, it would be great. Thanks very much.
  5. Thanks to all the respondents. I cannot find any .flightaddon, I am running in NonGWFL mode, and I have completely un-installed the toolkit and reinstalled it. I have deleted the Test folder. I have run the conversion three times and it still does not work. I have looked at the content converter log and there are a million conversions. I have re-enabled the WorldAddon after the conversion. Still, sadly, there is no world. There is only Hawaii and Alaska. I have no idea why this doesn't work since I followed everyone's instructions carefully. Why .flightaddon is not built or created is a mystery to me. I have done a previous conversion from a boxed edition on another machine and everything works. I will have to check out the previous one to see if I can glean anything as to why this one from Steam doesn't go. Thanks everyone for your help.
  6. I uninstalled the toolkit, reinstalled it, and ran the conversion again. There were no errors. Checked the C:\Test Folder and it appears all the files are there. However, when I run Flight and check World, the world does not show up. I make sure the Worldaddon box is checked. I cannot figure out why the world will not show up when everthing appears to be where it should be. How does Flight know to look in C:\Test for the new files? It looks like it does not know the files are there to use. Any help would be appreciated. Thank you.
  7. I recently did a conversion of the steam fsx with their new code using 1.1.9 toolkit. Toward the end of the conversion there were some errors but looking at the C:\TEST folder it appears that there is a ton of information in the FSXWorld directory. However, when I run Flight I do not see any world except Hawaii or Alaska. Do I have to change directories or move something to get the world to show up? I have the world addon installed. Also, where do I look to see what errors occurred? Thanks for your help. I also installed 1.1.12 over the top of 1.1.9 and ran the conversion again but it would not do anything. Just sat there a long time doing nothing. Do I have to erase everthing and start again?
  8. Recently Dovetail updated some code in the Steam FSX. I used the 1.1.9. toolkit to do a conversion of this for Flight and it did not work, coming up with a multitude of errors. I am wondering if the new code in the Steam FSX is causing the problem or something else. I followed the instructions carefully from jpc55 above but the whole thing bombed. Anyone have a suggestion on what to do next? Thanks for your help.
  9. Well this is a sad situation. I found a clandestine mission at Hana airport and tried to fly it. Toward the end of the flight I was intercepted by law enforcement and forced down and arrested. How do you avoid interception? I never exceeded 1000' during the flight and tried several deviations to keep low. The still got me. Is it better to fly at night or in bad weather?
  10. Yes, they have been fixed. I eventually could see all 350 and collect them. I don't know who fixed them but God Bless their souls. I found most of the pending but you can't collect them. Yes, please do more and thank you very much.
  11. I've been waiting for new aerocaches to be added to the library but have not seen any. I have seen the candidates but not the full blown orchestration. I've collected 350 of the library and can't see anymore. I am going into withdrawal. I need more. Lots more. Can anyone please help? What is life without them? Thanks.
  12. How do you go about finding clandestine missions? I sort of remember finding one in Alaska but can't remember where that was. Just curious. One of the paint schemes on the Rans RV won't unlock until you have flown a clandestine mission and I can't remember how you find any. Thanks.
  13. Re: jcomm: Do NDBs work? They probably do since all the other navaids are working. However, none of the supplied aircraft seem to have an ADF installed, nor do they seem to have any workable GPS. Therefore you cannot do traditional NDB approaches are far as I can see. I have been using the instruments in the Rans RV to do instrument approaches and they are working fine.
  14. I was wondering if it was possible to do instrument approaches in other parts of the country like New Jersey. With the FSX conversion and the World enabled, I went over to Ocean County Airport in New Jersey and flew the ILS runway 6 approach in a Maule. Localizer and glideslope and cross identifier VOR all worked perfectly. I was surprised that all these navaids and approaches would work. Absolutely amazing stuff going on here. Many great thanks to all who have enabled this. Hard to believe even though you are experiencing it. Once again, many, many thanks.
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